DELMAGYAR – An exhibition presenting our wine regions opened in Ópusztaszer

by time news

A temporary exhibition with the title “In the end there will be two, God and wine” opened on Wednesday in the Puszta house of the Ópusztaszer National Historical Memorial Park. The exhibition was created to promote the unique and world-class winemaking traditions and products of the Carpathian Basin. The viticultural and oenological conditions of the period between 1875 and 1920, Hungary’s historic wine regions, wine varieties, traditional viticulture and wine-making tools are presented in easy-to-understand, visual, picture and text tableaus. Curator Andor Pataki said that the texts on the twenty-three large panels provide an accurate, brief summary of the history of Hungarian winemaking. The descriptions are accompanied by archival documents (wine labels, old photographs, drawings) created as a product of the Hungarian wine industry. The short, readable professional descriptions on the panels and the script of the exhibition were created with the cooperation of László Mód, a researcher at the Department of Ethnography and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Szeged. The traveling exhibition entitled “In the end there are only two, God and wine” is a pioneer in the promotion of Hungarian wine culture, because a historical and professional presentation of this kind, describing the wine regions and winemaking traditions of the Carpathian Basin, has never been created in Hungary. At the ceremonial opening, József Hunyadvári, Master of Ceremonies of the Békés County Knights of the Szent Vince Borrend, recited his own poem, followed by a wine tasting.

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