DELMAGYAR – Minibus for the Pigeon school in Makó

by time news

– The training center is connected to the eight schools of the Alföldi Agricultural Training Center – we learned from the manager, Éva Kalmár, when the bus was handed over. Thanks to them, a 9-passenger minibus arrived at the Galamb technical school in Makó on Wednesday, with which students can now get to vocational training places more easily, among other things.

School principal Zoltán Horváth from Makó with the keys to the minibus. Photo: Imre Szabó

The minibus is also useful in training

– The essence of the dual vocational training is that the school provides theoretical training, and the student can complete the practical training at contracted companies. This is good because this way, young people learn this over a long period of time in a real workplace environment. In this way, they will fit into the world of work more easily, and they can even get a job immediately after the exams, he emphasized. At the Makó school, 75 students currently have such a contract in addition to Makó, among others in Hódmezővásárhely, Gorzsa and Orosháza.

The car is a 2019 Ford Transit Custom with a 2,000 turbo diesel engine; its gross value is around 8 and a half million. It’s Éva Kalmár Alföldi Center for Agricultural Vocational Training in the company of its director general, József Horváth, handed it over to Zoltán Horváth, the director of the school in Makó. The latter said the vehicle will be used every day. They will take their students with them not only to the training places, but also to the teaching farm on the edge of town, as well as on professional trips and academic competitions. By the way, so far they have been able to use a 7-seater for this purpose, but it was manufactured back in 2000.

In addition to Makó, Máté Greguss in Hódmezővásárhely and István Bársony Technikum in Csongrád will receive similar minibuses. The other institutions of the vocational training center will also receive vehicles in the near future.

2024-09-18 15:25:00

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