Demonstration || Congress workers protest in Krishnagiri against petrol and diesel price hike

by time news

In Krishnagiri, Congress workers protested against the hike in petrol and diesel prices.

Record: April 04, 2022 23:05


In front of the Krishnagiri head post office, a protest was held yesterday morning on behalf of the district Congress party condemning the hike in petrol, diesel and cooking gas prices. District Chairman Natarajan presided. Mayor Lalith Antony welcomed the gathering. Former District Leaders A. Krishnamurthy, Nanjil Jesu Thurairaj, Kasilingam, S.C., S.D. Section State Organizer Arumuga Subramanian, District Deputy Chairman Sekar and Secretary of State Vignesh were in the forefront. Among them are District Secretary Kesavan, Agriculture Team District Chairman Govindasamy, Sevadala Former District Chairman Nagaraj, Media Division Administrator Kamalakkannan, East District General Secretary Vediyapan, Councilor Vinayagam, Area Leaders Gopala Krishnan, Jacob, Nanjundan, Maadu, Tananjayan, Ravichandran, Ayodhya, Siddique and many others. Attended.

The protesters chanted slogans condemning the increase in petrol and diesel prices. Also, there is a risk of rising prices of essential commodities due to rising petrol, diesel and cooking gas prices. It was therefore stressed that action should be taken to reduce the prices of petrol, diesel and kerosene.

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