Demonstrations of February 7: Paris, Marseille, Bordeaux… processions less provided everywhere in France

by time news

Third day of mobilization in a month, and for this time, the number of demonstrators is down in the various processions of France. If the number of cities where rallies were organized seems equivalent to the “record” day of January 31, the number of people present in the parades is lower this Tuesday, February 7. A trend noted by both the organizers and the authorities. The day of January 31 had gathered 1.27 million people according to the authorities and 2.5 million according to the unions.

With more than 200 rallies in the country at the call of the eight main unions (CFDT, CGT, FO, CFE-CGC, CFTC, Unsa, Solidaires, FSU), a security source predicted last week a range of 900,000 to 1 .1 million protesters. 11,000 police and gendarmes were mobilized, including 4,000 in the capital. At the end of the day, the CGT claimed “nearly two million demonstrators”, and 250 demonstrations organized throughout the country.

AT Paris, the organization reported in the middle of the afternoon that 400,000 demonstrators were present in the procession which set off from the Place de l’Opéra towards the Place de la Bastille. It is as much as on January 19, but 100,000 less than on January 31. The Ministry of the Interior has identified 57,000 demonstrators in the capital.


Organized, as usual, in the morning, the Marseille demonstration brought together 180,000 people according to the trade unions. A figure down from January 31 (205,000 protesters claimed) but it is more than during the first day of mobilization, when they counted 140,000 people in the streets of the city. The prefecture has reported 15,000 participants, against 40,000 last week, specifies La Provence. In Avignon, 100 km north of the city of Marseille, the mobilization was substantial. 15,000 citizens marched, as many as on January 19, according to the unions.


The Bretons also responded less present in Rennes, but the unions nevertheless identified 25,000 participants (compared to 30,000 a week ago). A level close to the first day of mobilization, where more than 20,000 protesters had been counted. The police reported 14,600 people present in the procession on Tuesday, which set off at 11 a.m. Clashes opposed demonstrators and the police after the parade. 13 people were arrested, the prefecture said in a statement. Shortly after the official end of the demonstration, a group of demonstrators, of “some 200 individuals”, was slow to disperse and began a face to face with the police deployed on the spot. Fireworks and tear gas canisters were also exchanged.


The northern prefecture is almost an exception in this downward trend, with 70,000 people identified by the CGT, who marched from the Porte de Paris. A figure equivalent to that of last week, recalls France 3 Hauts-de-France. But for the prefecture, this figure drops to 9,500 people (against 15,000 on January 31). They were 5,000 to demonstrate in Arras according to the unions, capital of neighboring Pas-de-Calais, 2,600 according to the police (1,400 less in one week).


The mobilization was also less substantial in Lyon, where the procession set off at midday. There were between 10,700 (depending on the prefecture) and 30,000 (depending on the unions) people on February 7, between 25,000 (prefecture) and 45,000 (unions) on January 31; and between 23,000 and 38,000 on January 19. Some overflows took place at the beginning of the demonstration. Glass dumpsters were dislodged and bottles sent to the police, detailed Le Progrès.


The demonstration brought together 50,000 people in Bordeaux, according to figures from the inter-union. This is 25,000 less than last January 31. But “it’s a great success”, assured Stéphane Obé, CGT departmental secretary of Gironde, at the microphone of BFMTV. “50,000 in Bordeaux in this cold weather, in this holiday period, it’s massive,” he added.


The gap is significant between the data from the unions and those from the authorities in the Haute-Garonne prefecture. The CGT evokes 80,000 people present in the procession, when the police speak of 23,000 demonstrators. Other cities in the sector have also gathered: our colleagues from La Dépêche, relaying the figures put forward by the inter-union, report 7,000 demonstrators in Montauban, 5,800 to 10,000 in Tarbes, 2,000 to 3,000 in Castres, 3,000 in Perpignan and Agen or 4,000 in Béziers.

Angoulême, Clermont-Ferrand… the decline is widespread

Many other cities approached the 10,000 demonstrators, despite, there too, a drop in attendance compared to the day of January 31. There were 8,700 in Rouen according to the prefecture, against 13,800 on January 31 and 13,000 on the 19th. Clermont-Ferrand, the police counted 9,200 demonstrators (17,000 on the 31,000 and 19,000 on the 19). Finally, there were 5,000 at Angouleme according to the authorities, compared to 8,500 on January 31 and 9,000 on January 19.

Faced with this observation, the trade unions are already targeting the day of Saturday. “Tonight’s message will be a call to demonstrate massively on Saturday,” the CFDT secretary general said earlier in the day. Laurent Berger recognized for this day of Tuesday “a small handicap with the holidays”, which started for zone A. “But the parliamentary debate is until the end of March, and in March there will be no more holidays”, he warned, believing once again that it would be “democratic madness to remain deaf” to the challenge of the reform.

The leader of the CGT, Philippe Martinez, for his part called for strikes “harder, more massive, more numerous”, “if the government persists in not listening”. “It will take other demonstrations but for us, it’s clear, the rest will be the renewable strike, around March 8”, echoed Simon Duteil (Solidaires).

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