Demos against measures in Klagenfurt, Graz and St. Pölten

by time news

In Klagenfurt there will be a demonstration against the federal government and for the end of the coronavirus measures until the evening. Up to 6,000 people are on the move, estimates the police, who are present with a large number of emergency services.

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In Graz, too, up to 10,000 people came together today at two different demos against mandatory vaccination and coronavirus measures. One demonstration took place stationary on the Karmeliterplatz, the other was registered as a march and led from the main train station to the Freiheitsplatz.

According to the police, it was largely quiet, and there were no reports of possible violations of the wearing of masks for the time being. Already on November 15th, a Wednesday, around 4,000 people had gathered in Graz to demonstrate against the CoV restrictions.

Demo in St. Pölten

Around 2 p.m., a CoV protest event initiated by the FPÖ and under the motto “For Freedom” started in St. Pölten. First there was a rally on Domplatz, then a march through the Lower Austrian capital followed. According to the police, the closing event is planned for 8 p.m. in the area of ​​the “gate to the country house”.

In the afternoon, Johann Baumschlager from the State Police Department of Lower Austria reported several reports, mainly because of violations of the FFP2 mask requirement. In addition, there have been some arrests “for aggressive behavior,” it said. Exact numbers were not given for the time being.

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