Dengue Epidemic 2024: Latin America in Crisis – Causes and Effects

by time news

2024-04-15 06:25:00

San Juan, April 15, 2024 (KAP) The year 2024 will go down in history as a dengue year in many parts of Latin America: In many countries in the region such as Brazil, Paraguay, Peru and Argentina, the number of infections with the virus is currently exploding national emergency, also in Caribbean states such as Puerto Rico, where the archbishop of the capital San Juan called for special solidarity and responsible action in the face of the epidemic over the weekend. The most vulnerable in society, such as the poor and the elderly, would suffer the most from the “emergency situation,” Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez warned in a pastoral letter, according to a report in the Spanish-language edition of Vatican News.

There is a close connection between dengue fever and climate change, explained Gonzalez, citing scientific studies. More rainfall, higher average temperatures and higher humidity would have created ideal conditions for the reproduction of yellow fever mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti), which transmit the dengue virus. The climatic conditions also led to a 140 percent increase in the number of sick people in Puerto Rico compared to the previous year, and in the entire Americas region to three and a half million cases from the beginning of the year to the end of March, according to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). In addition, almost 500 million people in North and South America are currently at risk of contracting dengue.

Brazil is the country most affected in terms of numbers. In South America’s largest country, over two million dengue infections have already been reported this year, making it the worst dengue epidemic in the country’s history, the “infobae” portal reported on Thursday. The previous year’s record was doubled, while the number of confirmed deaths almost tripled to 388, not counting the more than 1,800 suspected cases that are still being investigated. A total of 4.2 million cases are expected for 2024, but in most states the number of new infections has now decreased or has at least stabilized, it said.

The situation in Peru does not yet appear to be under control, where records have also been reached with over 113,000 confirmed cases recently, particularly in the Lima, Piura and Lambayeque regions. Here too, the number of people who died from dengue has tripled compared to the previous year, it was recently said.

Similarly, Argentina is currently plagued by infected yellow fever mosquitoes. Recently, there was also a church leader among the patients, Cardinal Angel Rossi. The Archbishop of Cordoba was hospitalized at the end of March, but was released after a few days. According to a report from the Argentine church portal “” from last week, 230,000 people in Pope Francis’ home country have already become ill this year as a result of an infection with the dengue virus and 161 have died from it. The national Caritas is involved in the distribution of mosquito repellents in the most affected areas, it said.

Dengue affects people of all ages, and the infection can occur with or without symptoms, ranging from mild to high fever and often accompanied by severe headaches, pain behind the eyes, muscle and joint pain, and skin rashes. In severe cases, shortness of breath, severe bleeding or complications in the organs can occur. There is currently no special treatment. Most cases in the southern hemisphere occur in the first half of the year, and most cases in the northern hemisphere occur in the second half of the year.

#Church #concerned #ongoing #dengue #epidemic

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