Dengue epidemic: the 2023/2024 season has already left 233 thousand cases and 161 deaths from the disease

by time news

2024-04-07 21:55:39

The Ministry of Health of the Nation reported this Sunday that the dengue outbreak of the 2023/2024 season has already registered 232,996 cases and 161 deaths in the country, a product of the virus transmitted by mosquitoes Temples of the Egyptians.

According to the health portfolio, “232,996 cases of dengue (90% indigenous, 7% under investigation and 3% imported), of which 215,885 were recorded from week 1 to week 13 of 2024.”

In turn, the Epidemiological Bulletin indicated that “the accumulated incidence so far for the entire country is 495 cases per hundred thousand inhabitants. In the same period, 512 cases were classified as severe dengue (0.2%) and 161 were registered. deceased cases (fatality 0.069%15)”.

To prepare the report, the period between week 31 of 2023 was taken into account, that is, at the end of July and beginning of August; until week 13 of 2024, which corresponds to the end of March.

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“In terms of temporal behavior, the persistence of cases stands out throughout the period analyzed and the advancement of the seasonal increase from week 40 – early October – with an acceleration from week 50 – mid-December – and a still highest from week 6 – early February 2024 – and until week 11 – mid-March – in which the peak is recorded so far with 33,866 reported cases,” added the Ministry of Health.

Then he remembered that “Currently 19 jurisdictions in the 5 regions of the country register indigenous viral circulation of dengue (all those in the NOA, NEA, Cuyo and Central regions, and the province of La Pampa in the Southern region).

The report indicates that “the largest number of cases -56%- is contributed by the Central region followed by the NEA region -24%- and NOA”, while maintaining that “compared to other epidemic years, the current season is characterized of greater magnitude than previous epidemic seasons”.

In the same sense, it is noted that the accumulated cases until week 13 represent almost 4 times those registered in the same period of the previous season -2022/2023- and more than 9 times what was registered in the same period of 2019/2020; persistent viral circulation throughout the period and earlier seasonal increase compared to previous epidemic years (first increase from week 40, with an acceleration from week 50 and an even greater one from week 6.

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“There is a greater number of cases per week: With the information available so far, from week 8 to week 12 the number of cases has exceeded the previous maximum (which had been registered in week 13 of 2023 when 18,211 cases had been recorded)”, it was recorded.

In turn, it is reported that “in this season, 3 serotypes have been identified so far circulating in the country, with a predominance of DEN-2, followed by DEN-1 and a few cases of DEN-3.”

According to the health portfolio, “in the same period, a total of 512 cases with severe dengue criteria were registered in 18 jurisdictions and 161 deceased cases in 16 jurisdictions (151 cases belong to the year 2024).

The disease, which causes fever, headache, myalgias and arthralgias, diarrhea and abdominal pain and it can be deadlyis transmitted by Aedes aegypti, a mosquito that is living with another, the Aedes Albifasciatuswhich invades the City of Buenos Aires and the Buenos Aires suburbs since January due to the rains.

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The first dengue epidemic of this magnitude finds the country unprotected against a tropical virus that was pushed south by the El Niño phenomenon and global warming, as reported this week by the Pan American Health Organization.

The increase in dengue is observed above all in Brazil (81%), Paraguay (6%) and Argentina (3.4%), which represent 92% of all cases and 87% of deaths in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The government is criticized by the opposition due to its refusal to declare an existing vaccine, the Japanese one, mandatory and free. Qdengamwhich requires two doses for the equivalent of about 140 dollars, just under the minimum wage, which is around 200.

The Minister of Health, Mario Russo, told the TN channel on Thursday that he did not would be subject to “pressure from the laboratories” to impose the vaccinesince although “it is safe and effective”, it is still experimental and “it is not a tool to mitigate the outbreak.”

“Caste has certain times, the media has certain times that science does not have,” he stated.

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