Denmark: A vote for more EU participation

by time news

Against the background of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, more than two-thirds voted in favor of EU-level defense cooperation. So far, Denmark had contractually negotiated an exception here.

After 30 years with special status wants to Denmark contribute to defense cooperation within the EU in the future. Against the background of the Ukraine war, almost 67 percent of Danish voters voted in a referendum on Wednesday to abolish their country’s so-called EU defense reservation. Only around 33 percent were in favor of retaining this special status.

That will be Denmark be able to take part in future European security and defense cooperation – for example in military EU missions. So far, the special regulation, which is unique in the EU, meant that the country could take part in civilian but not in EU military missions or in the joint development of weapon systems, for example.

Result clearer than expected

Almost 4.3 million Danes were called on Wednesday to vote on the defense reservation. Participation was around 65.8 percent. The result was clearer than expected. An overwhelming majority of Danes had voted to abolish the reservation, Social Democrat Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen stated to party friends in Copenhagen that evening. Denmark sent a very clear signal to his allies, but also to Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, was among the first to congratulate her. “I am convinced that both Denmark as well as the EU will benefit from this decision,” she said on Twitter. EU Council President Charles Michel wrote: “The people in Denmark made a historic decision.”

A caveat since 1993

Denmark is the only EU country with such a special status in defense matters. It has existed since 1993. A year earlier, the Danes had voted against the Maastricht Treaty. The Scandinavian country then negotiated four so-called reservations in EU cooperation in order to remain outside of defense issues, among other things. At the second attempt, the people then approved the Maastricht Treaty. It is the first time that Denmark removed from a special regulation by referendum. In 2000, the people voted against joining the euro and in 2015 also against EU judicial cooperation.

The abolition of the defense reservation applies from the day the other EU countries have been informed in writing by the Danes. After the vote, however, it will probably be a few more weeks due to formalities before the special regulation is finally a thing of the past. The Danish parliament in Copenhagen will then comment on various aspects of EU defense cooperation, such as which military operations are involved Denmark ultimately want to join.

The clear result is a further signal that the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine has led to a reorientation of the respective defense policies in various EU countries. This is also reflected in Denmark immediate neighbourhood: In Germany, Chancellor Olaf Scholz proclaimed a “turning point” a good three months ago, Sweden and Finland have decided to say goodbye to their decades of military freedom from alliances and to apply for NATO membership.


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