Dentists and doctors defend exclusive powers to administer btox

by time news


They sign an agreement to promote matters of interest to both and explain that they are the only ones with powers to carry out treatments with ‘microfillers’ and botulinum toxin.

Dentists can only use botulinum toxin medicines to treat chronic drooling.SHUTTERSTOCK

The General Councils of Dentists and Doctors have signed an agreement to promote matters of interest to both groups. By virtue thereof, and before the detection of the increase in cases of intrusion in the field of aesthetic treatments (particularly facials), both councils signed a statement on the matter yesterday.

It states that doctors and dentists are the single professionals with powers and attributions for carrying out certain aesthetic or therapeutic treatments through the use of microfillers (hyaluronic acid) or botulinum toxin within their respective fields of action.

Currently, in the case of dentists, medicines with botulinum toxin can only be used, in general, for treatments against sialorrhea black in adults and children. And this, because at present there are no medicines with botulinum toxin that contain indications within the field of action of the dentist in their technical data sheet, except for the indicated case.

For this reason, for the other therapeutic or aesthetic indications of botulinum toxin, the only professional with the capacity to use it are doctors.

Today, new therapeutic applications of botulinum toxin are known for cases of affections of the temporomandibular joint, bruxism and grinding, orofacial pain or gummy smiles. The usefulness of this substance has been shown to treat these clinical cases and in some countries, such as the United States, its use by health professionals is permitted. But in Spain, for now, there is no medication with botulinum toxin authorized for these cases.

On the other hand, the hyaluronic acid It can be applied by dentists within their field of action, such as the lips or cheeks, as anatomical parts of the mouth, of which their anterior and lateral walls respectively constitute. However, in all possible uses that exceed what is commonly called the “lower third of the face”, doctors will be the only professionals with the capacity and powers to use medicines with hyaluronic acid.

According to the criteria of

The Trust Project

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