Department of Mathematics and Physics – Quality Assurance

by time news

Consultations with social partners


The Steering Committee for the Bachelor’s and Master’s Degree Course in Mathematics is composed of individuals from the world of school, the world of research (universities and research institutes) and the world of industry and services and will have the following objectives among its own:

  • Facilitate and promote relationships between the University and the world of work;
  • Monitor the adaptation of the curricula offered to the Degree Courses based on the indications of the world of work;
  • Promote contacts for student internships at companies and organizations operating in the world of work.

The CCSA Steering Committee in Mathematics is constituted as follows:

  • Fabio Costanzo – KINETON, Napoli.
  • Antonio D’Onofrio – Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, National Association Mathesis, Caserta Section.
  • Simonetta Grilli – Institute of Applied Sciences and Intelligent Systems (CNR), Naples.
  • Nunzio Itaco – Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Coordinator of the PhD in Mathematics, Physics and Applications for Engineering.
  • Gabriella Mastroianni – SkyIT, Rome.
  • Alfonso Matrone – Italian Aerospace Research Center (CIRA), Capua.
  • Olga Polverino – Department of Mathematics and Physics, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Delegate for Teaching of the Department of Mathematics and Physics.
  • Camilla Papa – National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT), Rome.
  • Mariangela Rauccio – STMicroelectronics, Marcianise.
  • Adele Vairo – DS Liceo Statale Manzoni Caserta, National Association of School Managers and High Professionals (ANP).

The Steering Committee will meet during each academic year to ensure continuous dialogue with the social partners and the world of work. In particular, initiatives will be launched to guide university studies and placement, and arrangements will be made to prepare agreements and conventions for internships and traineeships at companies and institutions operating in the area, and beyond.

MINUTES OF 05/27/2019

MINUTES OF 01/07/2020

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