Depression, how to recognize the symptoms in adolescents –

by time news

2023-06-13 09:19:35

Of Christine Brown

Difficulty experiencing pleasure in previously loved activities is one of the most prominent symptoms along with outbursts of anger and sadness. The duty of parents not to underestimate the signs

Depression is a frequent disorder among children and adolescents and it is commonplace to think that it is a problem only for adults. For 10 years we have seen a surge in psychiatric diseases and depression among young people and the pandemic has exploded the phenomenon with the doubling of cases underlines Stefano Vicari, director of the Neuropsychiatry Unit at the Bambino Ges hospital in Rome. Before the Covid the 13% of teenagersespecially girls, was going through at least one episode of depression during adolescence, which could last even just a few months. In pandemic the percentage doubled and reached 25%.


But how do you know that a teenager or pre-adolescent suffers from depression? The symptom that helps mothers and fathers to understand the most is the appearance ofanhedoniai.e. the difficulty experiencing pleasure: kids suddenly stop pursuing activities they used to love points out Vicari, who is also a full professor of child neuropsychiatry at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome. it is very important that parents, teachers, educators – specifies the expert – are attentive to the changes. If a kid who played sports, slept peacefully at night, had a good academic performance, ate regularly, unexpectedly starts talking less than usual at home, doesn’t want to go to play football anymore or starts to do badly in school, does difficulty waking up, eating too much or too little, it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Long-term negative feelings

But the big question: how to distinguish these signals from normal changes that occur in adolescence in most boys and girls? count thetime span – clarifies Vicari – because if the discomfort lasts a few weeks or a few months then it is very probable that we are dealing with a problem of depression and help must be asked. A depressed little boy often tries feelings of sadness, crying can appear for no apparent reason as well as feelings of hopelessness, emptiness and frustration. They are also common theresocial isolationl’introversionthe low self-esteem with a’heightened sensitivity to failure. Sometimes boys have outbursts of anger. If a teenager manifests often anger and irritation another symptom of a possible depression. It’s not enough for a single episode – warns the child neuropsychiatrist – a bad day happens to everyone. But if it happens with a certain frequency once again a signal.

Do not underestimate

In the family well don’t underestimate the symptoms of a depression or acts of self harm, the latter increased exponentially with the pandemic. We know that depression hides behind 83% of attempted suicides, and for this reason the signs should not be overlooked in any way: at Bambin Ges, 60% of hospitalizations occur for self-harm or attempted suicide. These are numbers that should make us reflect.


For a parent who suspects depression in their children, the first step is to talk to the pediatrician or general practitioner who will then refer the young patient to a child neuropsychiatrist. In the mildest forms it is generally the psychotherapy sufficient, in the more serious ones, where the tendency to suicide is manifestedil basic drug says Vicari who underlines how it is not useful to demonize drugs and overestimate psychotherapy, or vice versa. And does sporting activity help? It can be supportive in the treatment process – concludes the expert – and there is no doubt that it has an impact on mental well-being. However, what is pleasant should not be confused with something therapeutic. However, sporting activity is especially important in terms of prevention.

June 13, 2023 (change June 13, 2023 | 09:19)

#Depression #recognize #symptoms #adolescents

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