Deputies approve judicial reform in general terms; they present 1,600 reservations, reduce them to 68 and approve 3

by times news cr

With 359 votes in favor, 135 against and after almost 12 hours of debatehe Plenary session of the Chamber of Deputiesinstalled in an alternate location due to the protests, approved in general the opinion of the reform to the Judiciary.

Neither the risk of contempt of court due to the fact that there have already been three provisional suspensions of the reform, the blockade of the legislative palace and the demonstrations stopped the decision taken by the ruling bloc to push forward the first of the reforms that make up the so-called Plan C of the President of the Republic.

Among the most relevant aspects of the reform is the establishment of the election by popular vote for Circuit magistrate, District judge, as well as minister of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) in a process that will take place next year.
In addition, it reduces the composition to nine ministers of the SCJN, with a duration of 12 years.

It also establishes a maximum period of six months for the competent authorities to issue sentences, and failing that, the Court of Judicial Disciplinary Affairs will be notified, a figure created by the form, and where the reasons for not complying with the established period will have to be justified.

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During the debate, the opposition insisted on the damage that the approval of this reform will have, with the loss of judicial autonomy, the risk that the election of judges implies due to the probable interference of organized crime and the violation of the provisions established in international agreements.

“Secondly, I am concerned about this reform, which undermines the principle of legal certainty. The credibility of judicial decisions is essential for the functioning of the State; without it, citizens can foresee the consequences of their actions, which creates a climate of legal uncertainty.

“On the other hand, we must consider the impact of this reform on access to justice. The proposed changes limit the operational capacity of the already overcrowded courts, which will inevitably result in a slower and less accessible justice system.”said the deputy Mauricio Cantu Ramirez (PRI).

He added that the negative effects of this reform are not limited to the country, but that international trust in the justice system is key to maintaining solid relations with commercial partners and strategic allies.

The deputy José Luis Sánchez González (PT) He asserted that reforming the Judiciary, “the most debased and discredited in the country”is to fulfill a duty and a popular mandate, in addition to being an ethical, political and legal imperative.

He argued that this is a neoliberal judiciary, “It is at the service of big capital and a cancer of corruption, with the presence of judges who twist the law and trade with justice, to the detriment of the citizens, surrounded by great scandals due to the luxuries, privileges and perks enjoyed by the ministers of the Court and, to a lesser extent, federal and ordinary judges.”

“It is widely known that nepotism prevails in the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, where vast networks of relatives and friends of the judges are embedded in their payrolls; it is also true to mention that the Judicial Branch is at the service of the de facto powers and transnational companies, whose interests are privileged or protected,” express.

He defended the direct election of judges because they will be selected with professional and qualified profiles, prioritizing participatory or protagonist democracy.

The only reservations, already approved, were presented by Morena, the Green Ecologist Party of Mexico (PVEM) and the Labor Party (PT).

The PT’s included the word “female judges” as part of the inclusive language for the positions of magistrates, judges and ministers.

The PVEM established that in the case of Circuit magistrates and District judges, their right to practice the profession outside the circuit to which they are assigned at the time of leaving office shall not be limited.

The approved Morena reservation proposes the modification so that “Circuit magistrates and District judges of the Federation who complete their term due to having declined or not being elected, shall be entitled to payment of an amount equivalent to three months of integrated salary, 20 days of salary for each year served, as well as other benefits to which they are entitled.”.

2024-09-05 07:06:28

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