2024-04-27 02:53:46
With 258 votes in favor of the majority of Morena and allies, the Plenary of the Chamber of Deputies approved the reform to Amnesty Lawwith which, according to the official bloc, the model of justice transitional by establishing mechanisms to access the TRUEjustice, reparation and non-repetition of events.
Deputy Antonio Madriz (Morena) explained that with the approved changes, the federal Executive will be the one who can grant the benefit of amnesty to those who provide verifiable elements that are useful to know the truth of the relevant facts for the Mexican State.
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When substantiating the opinion on behalf of the Justice Commission, which the opposition claimed to be more of a political position and not an institutional argument, the Morenista told the opposition legislators that they surely have relevant information that they are hiding from the victims thanks to the pact of silence, “that is why we understand that they oppose this reform. Some of you fear being linked.
“That is an infamous burden on some consciences.”
The debate became so intense between the official bloc and the opposition bloc that from the Tribune, deputy Enrique Sosa (PAN) told Morena and his allies the mother by quoting the famous phrase that escaped Porfirio Muñoz Ledo when he believed having the microphone closed: “fuck your mother; What a way to legislate.”
Although minutes later the PAN member apologized from his seat, it was not enough to prevent deputy Sergio Peñaloza Pérez (Morena) from also shaking his arm at them.
Sosa warned that this reform gives the President the power to grant amnesty freely, for practically any crime, without complying with any procedure.
“It is inadmissible, first, because the division of powers is broken, the President is given the power to override the decisions of the Judicial Branch and the Legislative Branch.
“This is one more ingredient in the recipe with which they want to destroy our Republic, with which they want us to return to imperial presidentialism like that of the seventies, and establish their party dictatorship, because this is not an isolated reform, it is accompanied in the reform of the Amparo Law and the reforms that they submit to the Court and autonomous bodies, such as the National Electoral Institute,” he noted.
He suggested to Morena that he limit the time in which the President can apply the amnesty, “please let’s set a limit, that the power of amnesty lasts one year, lasts seven years, lasts ten years, but let’s not leave him the keys to the prison forever. to all future presidents.”
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Representative Refugio Camarena (PRI) condemned that Morena and allies, instead of proposing reforms that strengthen insecurity and the administration and prosecution of justice, prefer to promote reforms that benefit criminals.
“The ruling is an outrageous reform because they seek to grant the President of the Republic the power to release people who are subject to criminal proceedings or who are even already in jail.
“You say that it is about freeing the innocent, that it is about guaranteeing human rights, but rather what Morena and its allies want to do is empower the president to generate impunity, to generate followers and future votes for this election. “said the PRI member.
2024-04-27 02:53:46