Deputy Minister Bellucci, ‘Great satisfaction for new ALS guidelines’

by time news

2023-04-28 13:06:42

“The publication of the INPS, following the notification that I formulated as deputy minister delegated to Social Policies, of the new guidelines for the evaluation of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), represents an important response, long awaited, which arrives to people with ALS and their family members”, says Maria Teresa Bellucci, Deputy Minister for Labor and Social Policies.

“Today is a historic day for our community – comments Fulvia Massimelli, national president of the Italian Amyotrophic Scalrosis Association (Aisla) – A milestone that comes on the eve of the Association’s 40th anniversary celebrations, the result of that alliance that Aisla – he continues – has always with the institutions we are grateful to Mr Bellucci for having responded to the urgency of the need. Because the immediate recognition of disability means for people with ALS a guarantee of protection and the return of dignity to those who have to start a new life challenge with the disease”.

“I am really happy – adds Deputy Minister Bellucci – for this result, which guarantees the homogeneity of medico-legal judgment throughout the country and accelerates the patient evaluation process, in order to ensure the timeliness of assistance supports. An important milestone which, in particular, will allow speeding up the recognition of the right to exemption from participation in the cost of the relative health services, just as the attribution of the permanent help of a carer will involve the recognition of the carer’s allowance”.

“Patients suffering from ALS, who unfortunately have an average life expectancy of less than 2 years from the moment of diagnosis – the Honorable reiterates – are entitled to enjoy the benefits of laws 118/71 and 104/92, as well as various social aids foreseen for very serious non-self-sufficiency, through timely and reduced civil invalidity checks within 15 days, as already happens for other serious pathologies”.

“We have responded – concludes Deputy Minister Bellucci – in a timely manner to the many reports received from associations committed to guaranteeing assistance to ALS patients, such as Aisla, which today celebrates its 40th birthday and which we hope will be able to celebrate them, feeling a little comforted, thanks also to a government capable of giving the right attention to such sensitive and emergency issues”.

#Deputy #Minister #Bellucci #Great #satisfaction #ALS #guidelines

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