Deputy PT leader says opposition has no strategy for 01/8 CPI

by time news

Protesters invaded Congress, STF and Planalto Palace

the federal deputy Reginaldo Lopes
(PT-MG) said this Tuesday (4th) that the opposition to the government Lula
does not have a strategy designed to be able to install the CPI of the terrorist act
of January 8th

“There is a CPI request movement in the Chamber and CPMI. In fact, they still don’t have a strategy of what path they defend. I think the bodies and institutions that are investigating these acts will point out those responsible”, said the parliamentarian in an interview with UOL.

Reginaldo emphasized that Justice has been working to find those responsible for the invasion of the headquarters of the Three Powers. However, he pointed out that, if the CPI is opened, the Chamber will have the mission of investigating all the articulations for the crime to occur and whether there was participation of politicians and the military in the act.

“A CPI can also investigate three nuclei that articulated and are still trying to articulate a coup against Brazilian democracy or take away the stability of a legitimate government, elected on October 30th”, he pointed out.

“There is a political core that needs to be increasingly investigated, which is who is behind and who conspires against the very model of Brazilian democracy; the most economic core, which is financing this whole movement to create a feeling of instability in Brazil; and there is the military core, which needs to be more clarified as they participated in these January 8 acts, ”he added.

January 8 CPI

The terrorist act on January 8 was carried out by supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL-RJ) and ended up causing almost a thousand people to be arrested for having committed various crimes.

Now deputies and also senators articulate for the opening of a CPI to investigate the episode. However, the federal government has said that the investigations are in the hands of Justice and that Congress needs to focus on the projects sent by Lula’s team, such as the fiscal framework.

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