Deputy questions position for mother of Bolsonaro’s granddaughter – 08/04/2023 – Mônica Bergamo

by time news

1970-01-01 02:00:00

São Paulo state deputy Emidio de Souza (PT) sent a request to the Government of São Paulo demanding information about the position offered to former secretary Martha Seillier, mother of the fourth granddaughter of former president Jair Bolsonaro (PL), in the US office from InvestSP. The case was revealed by Sheet.

One of the closest allies of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT), the congressman wants to know what is the structure of the São Paulo government in the United States, what are the positions and remunerations offered by InvestSP in the foreign country and what position was offered to Seillier .

“It is fundamental that the population has access to clear and detailed information about the government’s actions, as well as about the appointments and attributions of political indications funded with public money”, says Emidio, in a letter.

The petista’s request is addressed to the Secretary of Economic Development of São Paulo, Jorge Lima, responsible for the agency.

The governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), confirmed that he had offered the position to Seillier, but denied that it was a favor to Bolsonaro. The former president defends the nomination, but approached Folha to deny interference after the publication of the report.

“I’ve known her for many years. I had the idea of ​​offering her the job of ambassador [embaixadora seria o termo correto] of our investment program”, said Tarcísio, recalling that both worked in the Michel Temer (MDB) and Bolsonaro governments.

Seillier worked on a board of the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) reserved for Brazil and Suriname. She had been appointed by her boss at the time, the then minister Paulo Guedes, to whom she served for three years as special secretary of the PPI (Partnerships and Investments Program) at the Ministry of Economy.

As shown to Sheet, the nomination may not go forward for two reasons. First, Seillier wants to move InvestSP’s US office from Washington to the Bolsonarist stronghold of Miami. Second, she is dissatisfied with her current salary of BRL 43,000 including bonuses.


Actress Denise Fraga received guests for the unique presentation of the show “Eu de Você”, at Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, on Tuesday night (1st). The actress Maria Casadevall attended the event. Filmmaker Marina Person and presenter Cazé Peçanha also stopped by.


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