Der Standard/APA: EXTREMISM -German politicians consider banning gray wolves in Germany

by time news

2023-08-06 19:41:20

VIENNA. abbreviated as APA Austrian Press Agency, It is a public communication tool similar to important organizations such as Anadolu Agency in Turkey and DPA in Germany. APA and DPA are more independent and not influenced by governments.

To all subscribers of APA today, „ German politicians are considering banning gray wolves in Germany. After the news with the headline was published, many newspapers, especially the serious and liberal newspaper Der Standard, announced this news to hundreds of thousands of readers on its own page. Although associations and organizations close to the MHP, which have acted together with the AKP in recent years in Austria, have said that they have nothing to do with the MHP, the Gray Wolf sign was officially banned in the Austrian parliament by keeping the DEASH and Nazi signs as one, and then the Turks who made this sign were immediately dismissed from their jobs indefinitely if they were working in state affairs. They were somehow removed and fined by the police.

Here is the news from APA from Berlin:

EXTREMISM: German politicians want to consider banning gray wolves known as Ülkücü

The Turkish group, which calls itself Nationalists, recently attracted attention in Austria during the enthusiastic celebrations held in Vienna after Erdogan’s election victory on May 28, 2023.

Berlin (APA)-Politicians from the Christian Democratic CDU, the Greens and the FDP in Germany, Department for the Protection of the Constitution warns against Germany’s Ülkü Ocakları, the Turkish political movement followed by Member of the Bundestag of the CDUi Christopher de Vries, He told the newspaper „Die Welt“this nationalist group “The largest far-right organization in Germany and a danger to our liberal democracy with its ultra-nationalist, racist and anti-Semitic worldview” stated that. These nationalist groups are also frequently on the agenda in Austria.

Christoph de Vries, Member of the Bundestag of the CDU, He spoke in the Welt newspaper about the “increasing connections between the Ülkü Ocakları and Turkey’s AKP or President (Recep Tayyip) Erdoğan”. This indicates that urgent action is needed.

The supporters of the extreme right-wing “ideological movement” are called Bozkurt. Its political representative in Turkey and an ally of President Erdogan’s AKP is the ultra-nationalist MHP. According to the German Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, there are approximately 11,000 active supporters of the Nationalists in Germany.

CDU Deputy de Vries addressed these Nationalist associations, which were the de facto German representative of the political party formation MHP in Turkey, which was established as a Non-Governmental Organization in Germany and abused Germany’s association laws for years. of a ban “However, we expect the prohibition procedure to be followed by the Federal Minister of the Interior with the necessary seriousness and consistency, including the necessary use of resources,” he said, emphasizing that it must always be legally watertight and not open to challenge in German courts.

Linda Teuteberg, FDP’s internal affairs expert Expressing a similar view, he called for a clear response from a free, independent, pluralistic and defensible constitutional state to these associations hostile to our politics and democracy. “I am waiting for the German Federal Minister of the Interior to seriously examine whether and how a ban on associations associated with the Ülkü Ocakları can be properly implemented in court,” Teuteberg said.

Greens MP Lamya Kaddor Openly speaking in favor of banning these Nationalist political associations, he said, “In my opinion, it would be consistent and correct to ban the Nationalist movement, which is one of the biggest nationalist-extreme right-wing movements in Germany.”

Ülkü Ocakları held Erdogan celebration in Vienna

As Erdogan’s supporters celebrated his victory in Vienna-Favorite recently, there was a stir in Austria, and in some cases the “Bozkurt salute”, the forbidden greeting of the Ülkü Ocakları, was shown. Thereupon, Austrian Federal Chancellor and Prime Minister Karl Nehammer (ÖVP) called the re-elected Turkish president by phone shortly after 28 May, calling for “respect for the host country, namely Austria”. Turkish President Erdogan explained the enthusiasm of the celebrations with his election victory.

Prime Minister Nehammer: “We do not equate all Turks in Austria with these provocateurs and lawbreakers”

#Der #StandardAPA #EXTREMISM #German #politicians #banning #gray #wolves #Germany

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