Deri will sign a plea agreement

by time news

Towards signing a plea agreement: According to the agreement, MK Aryeh Deri will be charged with two particularly minor counts in the category of tax offenses and will pay a fine of NIS 180,000. Wednesday), the plea agreement has not yet been finalized and signed but it can be signed during the night or in the coming days.

According to the plea agreement, Deri will be charged with two offenses at the lower threshold of tax offenses – non-reporting and negligence. Accusations leveled at him at the beginning of the road for bribery, fraud, etc. were refuted and are not in the indictment. According to the apparent agreement, it can be understood that the acts attributed to Deri were done without malice and negligence.

The issue of defamation is not mentioned in the plea agreement due to the fact that Deri is expected to resign from the Knesset, which makes it irrelevant. The issue will come up again on the agenda if in the future Deri wants to be appointed minister and then the next ombudsman will probably be required for the issue, on the reasonable assumption that the High Court will be submitted on the matter.

Deri, who was one of Netanyahu’s closest associates and served as interior minister in his government, will resign from the Knesset to confirm that he has been charged with tax offenses. Photo: Israel Salem Soup

As reported in “Israel Today” a few days ago, Shas officials commented on the apparent settlement: “If it were not for Aryeh Deri, this story would have ended long ago with the closing of the case and a financial settlement with a tax official as hundreds of similar cases are handled each year.”

“Deri was forced to undergo a very severe torture of more than six years and in addition to paying a personal price of resignation and retirement from the Knesset, which will hurt him personally and also affect Shas’ conduct and the entire opposition in which Deri serves as a key player connecting the various ends. Despite the injustice and injustice, Deri will sign the agreement with a heavy heart in order to prevent the continued torture and suffering of his family members. “

Earlier this month, recordings of Attorney General Dr. Avichai Mandelblit were published in News 12. In the tapes, Mandelblit was heard complaining about the investigation files transferred to the Israel Police Prosecutor’s Office, from which “nothing came up” and called them “mouse.” Very serious, investigating issues and things like it looks wow, great, yeah? Not even a mouse was born from this bag, I mean nothing, “Mandelblit said on the tape.

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