Dermatologist Malagoli, ‘high efficacy and safety from a new psoriasis treatment’

by time news

“With these new therapies, we want to inform all those who suffer” from psoriasis, that a cure for “this disease is possible, thanks to highly specialized drugs, which guarantee a high level of efficacy in the face of an impeccable safety profile, in how many medicines a patient can take even for life”. Thus Piergiorgio Malagoli, head of the PsoCare Unit of the Irccs Policlinico San Donato, on the sidelines of the press conference “Moderate to severe plaque psoriasis: in Italy about 500 thousand patients. The European Commission approves the oral treatment deucravacitinib”, today in Milan, where the therapeutic novelty of the pharmaceutical company Bristol Myers Squibb against psoriasis was presented.

“Psoriasis – continues the dermatologist – is a chronic autoimmune inflammatory disease with a pre-existing genetic imprint. It affects about 2-3% of the population and a third of these are affected by moderate-severe forms, which have a devastating impact on the quality of our patients’ lives. It is not so simple to access therapies because they are drugs that can only be prescribed in authorized centres”, observes Malagoli, noting that “information and dissemination” are essential tools for guaranteeing access to decisive treatments for the patients.

“The new drug deucravacitinib – concludes Malagoli – is a small-molecule, an effective and safe daily oral therapy, as it has been possible to ascertain from the registration studies, which will have a great impact on the therapy of patients suffering from psoriasis”.

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