Design, Triennale Milano inaugurates 23rd international exhibition

by time news

It was inaugurated this morning there 23rd international exhibition from Milan Triennaleby title ‘Unknown Unknowns. An Introduction to Mysteries’, which will be open to the public from 15 July to 11 December 2022. Promoted by Triennale in collaboration with the Bureau International des Expositions (Bie) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the exhibition, dedicated for this edition to explore the theme of the unknown, it will celebrate the hundredth anniversary of its foundation in 2023. Exhibitions and projects involve four hundred artists, designers and architects from over forty countries.

“The 2022 edition – underlined the Foreign Minister, Luigi Di Maio, speaking in connection with the inauguration ceremony – confirms the international vocation of Triennial which makes it a partner of absolute importance for the Farnesina as well as for the BIE “.” The Triennale – observed the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini in the greeting message – has always created spaces for fruitful debate and opportunities for discussion that have led to the emergence of new experiences and perspectives: the quality of the exhibition ‘Unknown Unknowns. An Introduction to Mysteries’ confirms this mission “.

Present at the inauguration ceremony at the Palazzo dell’Arte were the Minister for Equal Opportunities and the Elena Bonetti family, who of the 23rd international exhibition of Milan Triennale he appreciated “with particular intensity the ability to combine the scientific dimension of mathematics with that of art. A new trait that has an extraordinary educational value not only in the conscience of the country, but also in the training of new generations and in the construction of equal opportunities “.

“From the 23rd exhibition
international from Milan Triennale – observed the mayor of Milan, Giuseppe Sala – there is an invitation to investigate new perspectives, to find new answers and new solutions in art, nature and its mysteries. It is up to us to seize the great opportunities that these challenges bring with them, starting with the urgent and non-postponable theme of the environmental transition, which is not by chance at the center of this edition “.

In his greeting, the president of the Lombardy Region Attilio Fontana expressed particular appreciation for the “work done in promoting the Ukrainian pavilion, starting with artists, intellectuals and scientists from all over the world. I believe that defending the culture of peace is a collective and global responsibility, which affects every sector, especially those that best represent the free expression of speech and thought “.

“With the 23rd International Exhibition we want to open a space for interdisciplinary discussion in which curators, artists, designers, architects, scientists, schools and collectives from all over the world can meet and discuss”, explained the president of Milan Triennale, Stefano Boeri. ‘Unknown Unknowns‘”It will take us on an unforgettable journey to discover the unknown, showing us how we can get in touch with what is beyond our knowledge,” added Dimitri Kerkentzes, secretary general of the Bureau International des Exposition (Bie).

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