Despite following her poor husband to the UAE, 8X gave birth to 5 sons, now living in a million dollar mansion | Life – Entertainment

by time news

2023-09-06 06:28:00

Love from the subway train and love crosses the border

Duong Can Khiem (born in 1980) was born into an intellectual family in Shanghai, China. Her father worked at the Shanghai Research Institute, her mother worked in the legal and human resources fields, her work was very busy, so Khiem had to be independent from a young age, even though she was an only child.

In 1999, while studying at East China University of Science and Technology, on a subway train, she met her destiny. “He is Palestinian. Although I am 1m70 tall and weigh 60kg, standing next to him still looks very small. He took the initiative to start a conversation with me, and then I asked him: ‘Can you speak Chinese?’. He said yes and asked for my phone number, and promised to invite me to dinner next time. Who would have thought our love story would start from this subway train“, Can Khiem said.

Ms. Can Khiem.

The love between the two continued to grow. Two years after falling in love, Khiem’s ​​boyfriend graduated, giving up the opportunity to study for a doctorate even though the school gave him a scholarship of 1,000 yuan per month (more than 3 million VND). This was because he was very poor at that time, when he received a monthly scholarship, he had to pay back the amount he borrowed last month and then continue to borrow to cover expenses.

Thinking like this, he would not be able to take care of his wife and children in the future, so he left China for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) to look for opportunities. However, things did not go as he expected, he even had a stomach ulcer due to excessive stress, for 8 months could not eat or drink anything and even vomited blood.

In 2001, Ms. Can Khiem graduated and started working. At this time, she also issued an ultimatum to her boyfriend, if he does not come back in 2 years, she will not wait for him anymore. “In those days the internet was not as convenient as it is now, there was no video calling, emailing was our only method of communication, and we only emailed each other once a month.

When I gave him the condition, he was very nervous. Because he could speak Chinese, he later worked in a Taiwanese computer company. Despite his poor health, he still worked hard, and more than a year later he was promoted to manager and returned to China to propose to me.” Can Khiem shared.

Can Khiem and her husband when they were young.

Despite all following her husband to the UAE, 8X 9 years gave birth to 5 children

In November 2002, the two got married in a hurry, and then she and her husband moved to the UAE to live. The 8X girl said, her marriage was supported by her parents: “After international students leave China, couples will break up. At that time, my mother said, if he comes back to marry me after 2 years away, it proves that he loves me very much, and I do not disappoint him.

Honestly, I feel lucky too. Because when he returned to the UAE, the following month the SARS outbreak caused Shanghai to be closed. I think if we hadn’t been married at that time, we would have said goodbye.”

More than 20 years have passed, the love of the couple is still as sweet as the beginning.

When she first came here, Ms. Can Khiem faced many difficulties because she could not speak the language here, watching TV did not understand what they were saying, calling home was extremely expensive. During the day when her husband goes to work, she is alone at home, extremely boring and boring, crazy with hands and feet. “I used to go to work every day, now I’m suddenly free, I’m not used to it, so every day I make a fuss about going back to China.“, the 8X girl shared.

After that, her husband rented a room with a sea view in the tallest building in the area so that she could watch the sea or go to the beach to walk in her free time. “At that time, everyone said my husband was crazy, went all the way to China to get married and rent such an expensive apartment to pamper his wife. But he didn’t care, he was determined to do these things for me. He once said to me: “You came to me from far away Shanghai, what have I done for you compared to what you sacrificed for me'”Can Khiem said chokingly.

In 9 years, she gave birth to 5 sons in a row.

After that, she started learning the language and gradually got used to the lifestyle here. When she learned that she was nearly 5 months pregnant, from then on, she no longer asked to return to China. In December 2003, her first son was born.

In 2005, she gave birth to her second son, and soon after she became pregnant for the third time. At that time, the couple discussed abortion, but in the UAE it is not allowed. At that time, Ms. Can Khiem returned to Shanghai to have an abortion, but both of her children were young and needed someone to take care of, so she and her husband abandoned that idea.

But when she was 4 months pregnant, she miscarried again and it was a set of twins. “When it comes to this, my heart still aches. I didn’t want them first, but then they left me.” shared mother.

In 2008, her third son was born. Then she gave birth to her fourth son in 2011, a year later the fifth child was also born and it was also a boy.

Can Khiem’s ​​happy family.

The family’s economic condition gradually improved. In order for the family to have a comfortable life, her husband bought a villa worth 3 million USD (about 72 billion VND). Every year, her family goes on a trip together, very joyful and happy.

Up to now, more than 20 years have passed, the love of Can Khiem and her husband is still as sweet as ever. He often told her that: “The best thing in my life is despite everyone’s objections to marry you.”

As for Ms. Can Khiem, while living here, she often helps many companies contact the government and solve various problems. Sharing about her future plans, she said that she wanted to set up a study abroad consulting office to act as a bridge for students from different countries to the UAE and vice versa.

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