Despite Malul’s promises: the million dollars did not come

by time news

Guy Ben Ziv

Home players

Betar Jerusalem players (Oren Ben Hakon)

Since last Thursday, Stefan Malul has told a Betar Jerusalem trustee, Adv. Yitzhak Junger, that he has transferred the million dollars he is obligated to transfer according to what he promised to the trust account. As of today (Tuesday), the money has not arrived.

Malul even sent a kind of reference that transferred the money, but as mentioned this morning as well when they checked if there might be a trace of the money, there is no transfer to the trust account. The businessman also says in conversations with Betar staff: “Check the bank account.”

So Betar people can check again and again, but there are no money signs of Malul. “Maybe he sent by sea or there is a big load,” laughed in the capital with the despair there is with everything going on around the club.

Stefan Malul (the official website of BeitStefan Malul (official website of Betar Jerusalem)

In any case, Betar has already realized that they have nothing to do with Malul, even if in the case the money lands. They have long since continued to do so, and are no longer building on Malul and his stories. For everyone, that every step will have very big consequences.

What will happen to Betar Jerusalem if the Malul deal falls?

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