Despite the war and the crisis, Europeans are standing by the EU

by time news

2023-05-10 07:20:00

Approval for the Union is remarkably stable, according to the think tank ECFR in a study published on the occasion of Europe Day. However, high inflation poses a risk to European cohesion.

Wien. Despite all the current headwinds, the majority of EU citizens still support the Union – this is the conclusion of a study carried out in all 27 EU member states in January and February 2023. This annual “European mood barometer” was created for the second time under the aegis of the think tank European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR) and the European Cultural Foundation (ECF) and presented on the occasion of Europe Day on Tuesday.

Accordingly, despite the war and inflation, approval ratings for the European Union have remained stable or even improved slightly – a phenomenon known among political scientists as the “rally ’round the flag” effect. In other words, Europeans have emotionally integrated the EU membership of their home countries to such an extent that in times of crisis they now flock not only to the national flag, but also to the blue and yellow flag of the Union.

#war #crisis #Europeans #standing

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