Destruction of the Kakhovka dam: Putin denounces a “barbaric act” by Ukraine | War in Ukraine

by time news

2023-06-07 19:20:47

« The barbaric act aimed at destroying the Kakhovka hydroelectric power station in the Kherson region led to a disaster for the environment and humanity on a large scale. »

A quote from Vladimir Putin, Russian President

Kyiv and Moscow blame each other for destroying this hype.

Police evacuate residents from a flooded area in Kherson. Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky accuse each other of causing a humanitarian and environmental disaster. The story of Lise Villeneuve.

Photo : Reuters

Consequences unprecedentedaccording to NGOs

Destruction of ecosystems, floods, pollution, energy threats: the destruction of the Kakhovka dam could have environmental and human consequences unprecedentedestimate Wednesday several experts and associations for the defense of the environment.

According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who accuses Russia of being guilty of brutal ecocideil this is the biggest man-made environmental disaster in Europe for decades.

This term ecocide was recently defined by the European Parliament as any environmental criminal offense causing serious and widespread or lasting or irreversible damage to air, soil or water quality, or to biodiversity, ecosystem services and functions, animals or plants. At the end of March, Brussels paved the way for the recognition of theecocide in the right ofUE.

Ukrainian soldiers help residents evacuate a flooded area in Kherson.

Ukrainian soldiers help residents evacuate a flooded area in Kherson.

Photo : Getty Images / ALEKSEY FILIPPOV

Serious disruption of its ecosystems

First consequence linked to the discharge of the 18 billion tons of water held back by the dam: the Dnieper, the fourth longest river in Europe, will undergo a serious disturbance of its ecosystems up to the coastal areas of the Black Sea, which could suffer temporary desalination in certain areas, estimates theONG Ukrainian Ecoaction.

According to her, a potential mass mortality of aquatic organisms [poissons, mollusques, crustacés, micro-organismes, végétation aquatique]but also rodents, some of which are endemic or already threatened, is expected, resulting in deterioration of water quality due to the decomposition of dead organisms.

L’Ukrainian Nature Conservation Group (UNCG) believes that the consequences for wildlifekm² [zone inondable et zone de drainage]”,”text”:”will occur over an area of ​​at least 5000km² [zone inondable et zone de drainage]”}}”>will occur over an area of ​​at least 5000 km² [zone inondable et zone de drainage] et June than during the 100years”,”text”:”some species may have suffered a bigger hit in one day on June 6 than in the past 100 years”}}”>some species may have suffered a bigger hit in one day on June 6 than in the past 100 years.

Just for the fish, it will takeyears to restore”,”text”:”at least 7 to 10 years to restore”}}”>at least 7 to 10 years to restore losses, and nesting birds around the dam (gulls, terns…) will disappear from this territory. All living organisms inhabiting the Kakhovka reservoir have already died or will die in the next few daysbelieves the association.

Remains of houses and rubbish are visible in the Dnipro river which overflowed after the Nova Kakhovka dam burst in Kherson.

The Dnieper, the fourth longest river in Europe, will suffer a serious disruption of its ecosystems to the coastal areas of the Black Sea, according to the Ukrainian NGO Ecoaction.

Photo : Reuters

Pets or animals in captivity are also in danger, underlines the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW), which already reports a dire situation.

Shelters are already overwhelmed with rescue requests. In Nova Kakhovka […]a small zoo was totally flooded, and all the animals except the swans diedexplains Natalia Gozak, a manager ofIFAW in Ukraine.

The vegetation will not be spared either, especially that upstream of the dam, which will die due to drainage, while downstream areas will be flooded, including steppe and forest complexes that are not suitable for submersion, which will lead to their waterlogging and destructionprovides Ecoaction.

Several Ukrainian national natural parks, including the Black Sea Biosphere Reserve, listed asUNESCOare directly threatened.

150 tons of motor oil in the Dnieper

Massive pollution resulting from the dumping of garbage, agrochemicals and other hazardous materials, as well as flooding and disabling of sewage treatment and sewage systems is also to be expected.

According to Ukrainian officials, 150 tonnes of motor oil spilled into the Dnieper on Tuesday,additional tons leaking out”,”text”:”with the risk of another 300 tons leaking out”}}”>with the risk of an additional 300 tons infiltratingrepresenting a threat to flora and fauna.

This pollution is also expected to reach the Black Sea, which can affect various groups of living organisms, from plankton to cetaceans.

000people are at risk of being in flooded areas”,”text”:”More than 40,000people are at risk of being in flooded areas”}}”>More than 40,000 people risk being in flooded areasUkrainian Prosecutor General Andriï Kostine warned on Tuesday, announcing massive evacuations.

The war in Ukraine

The Kakhovka dam was also used to provide drinking water and irrigation for the southern part of Ukraine, already one of the driest in the country. Its destruction therefore constitutes a major risk for the water supply of millions of people.

This water shortage could lead to the desertification of certain areas, estimates IFAW.

The rotting biomass of aquatic flora and fauna will turn into arid lands, even deserts, in the coming monthsanticipates Ms. Gozak, with the consequence of a change in microclimates and temperatures, which could cause a wave of new climate and water migrants to other parts of Ukraine and Europe.

An armored vehicle marked with a

Zaporizhia nuclear power plant


The Zaporijia nuclear power plant, occupied by the Russian army, is once again weakened after the destruction of the dam, whose water is used to cool the fuel and prevent a nuclear accident.

Cooling for the plant is currently provided by water pumped into basins located on site, designed for this purpose. There is no short-term risk for the planthowever, reassures the French Institute for Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) on Wednesday.

The fears are more of an economic order:% of Ukraine’s power generation capacity”,”text”:”no cooling for the six reactors means that the plant will not be operational for the foreseeable future, leading to a loss of approximately 13% of capacity of Ukrainian electric generation”}}”>the lack of cooling for the six reactors means that the plant will not be operational for the foreseeable future, resulting in a loss of about 13% of Ukraine’s electricity generation capacityunderlines Malte Janssen, of theUniversity of Sussex Business School.

Damage will also likely affect agriculture and livestock raising, raising fears of a humanitarian disaster. Ukraine is one of the world’s main grain suppliers.

#Destruction #Kakhovka #dam #Putin #denounces #barbaric #act #Ukraine #War #Ukraine

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