Destruction until the last minute by the government: demolition orders on an unprecedented scale against houses in the settlement

by time news

A day before the elections and the extreme leftist government of Gantz and Lapid are taking advantage of every moment to destroy Jewish homes, while ignoring the rampage of illegal Arab construction in Judea and Samaria and in particular in Area C. Civil Administration inspectors accompanied by security forces raided today (Monday) the settlement of Kochav Hashar in Binyamin, and began the operation Enforcement on an unprecedented scale against houses in the Maale Shlomo neighborhood, and in the hills of Aira Shahar and Kol Dodi adjacent to the settlement.

As part of the operation, the director’s inspectors imposed demolition and enforcement orders on over 20 buildings in these neighborhoods, including inhabited family homes.

Some of the orders that were imposed were “structural removal orders” enacted by the Knesset several years ago, which allow the civil administration to carry out destruction already four days after the order was issued.
The settlement says that the use of orders of this type usually indicates the intention of the security establishment to carry out destruction in the immediate time frame.

In Givat “Aira Shahar” they responded this evening to the imposition of the orders, saying that “this is an unprecedented scope of the imposition of demolition orders in one day that has not been seen in recent years.”

In Giva they added and warned that “the imposition of these orders, which shows the intention of the security establishment to carry out widespread destruction, is only a promo and a resounding warning bell for what may happen in the settlement if, God forbid, Defense Minister Gantz remains in his position even after the elections.

We call on the leaders of the right to declare today before the elections, that in the next government they will all work to change and correct the policy of destruction left behind by Gantz, and will not allow any further destruction in the Jewish settlement at any cost.”

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