Details of fact-finding report released

by time news


Ramajayam, the brother of Minister KN Nehru and a businessman from Trichy, was killed by mysterious persons in March 2012. The case has been investigated for 10 years by various divisions of the police but no progress has been made. Subsequently, the investigation of the case was transferred to the Special Investigation Division of the police. Under the leadership of Superintendent of Police Jayakumar and under the supervision of Deputy Superintendent of Police Madan, a 40-member Special Investigation Unit police is investigating from various angles.

A list was prepared of the raiders who were camping in Trichy when the Ramajayam murder took place. There were 12 people including Dindigul Mohan Ram and Naraimudi Ganesan. The Trichy Magistrate ordered a fact finding examination of the persons on this list.

Subsequently, a fact-finding test was conducted on 12 people from the 18th to the 21st of last month at the Forensic Science Department office in Mylapore, Chennai. Central forensic experts from Delhi asked the 12 people a series of questions and got answers to them.

At this stage, the details of the report on this fact-finding test have now been released. It was found that 11 out of 12 people who took part in the truth-finding test gave false information during the test. Information has also surfaced that only one person named Dileep has told the truth.

The reported results of the fact-finding test have come as a shock. Officials of the Special Investigation Committee have said that the next phase of investigation will begin based on this report.

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