“Detecting Hidden Health Issues: Bruises on Different Body Parts as Indicators of Serious Diseases – Insights and Warnings from Medical Experts”

by time news

2023-04-29 06:13:00

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Von: Michelle Mantey

The place where a bruise develops often gives an indication of a possible disease. In these cases you should see a doctor.

Frankfurt – A quick stub on your elbow or toe and you get a bruise on your body. Everyone knows these little mishaps in everyday life. They often happen so casually that when you look at the bruise on your body you can no longer remember how it actually came about. However, they are not only caused by a bump or a fall, but can also indicate the presence of a serious illness.

Bruises are often caused by an injury to the vessels. There is then bleeding under the skin, which takes on a bluish color. There may also be a color change during the healing process. It later turns black to greenish and finally yellow to brownish. The harmless bruises can be noisy gesundheit.de also occur as a result of a vaccination, blood test or surgery. They usually heal after a few days. Due to their tissue structure, bruises occur much more frequently in women than in men.

Bruises are often caused by an impact, but they can also be an indication of the presence of another medical condition. © imago

Disease symptom: These dangerous causes can bruise

But not all bruises are harmless. If such a spot is very large and growing rapidly, this could be an indication of a bleeding disorder. A blood disorder known to be associated with bruising is noisy gesundheit.de Hemophilia A – a blood clotting disorder. Especially if bleeding disorders are known within the family, at the first sign of a report by MSD Manuals a doctor must be consulted urgently.

Also Leukemia, also known as blood cancer, can show up as bruises. If there are too few platelets, bleeding can occur, eventually leading to petechiae, or bruising of the skin. In this case, according to the German Cancer Society (DKG) in combination with other symptoms such as fever, shortness of breath or dizziness.

But maybe a vitamin deficiency is to blame for the bruises. It is often due to a lack of vitamin K, which is naturally found in spinach, legumes or dairy products, among other things. Other symptoms include bleeding from the nose or gums.

Symptom of a disease: A bruise on these parts of the body could be dangerous

Sometimes the spot where the bruise occurs decides whether a disease is suspected. Particular care should therefore be taken with the following parts of the body:

  • bruise in the eye: May result from broken capillaries. If it does not occur as a result of a blow, conjunctivitis can be suspected
  • bruises around the eyes: If a ring of bruise forms around one or both eyes, this can be a sign of a skull fracture.
  • bruise on the head: In combination with dizziness, fainting or vomiting, this can be a sign of a concussion.
  • bruising on the genitals: May result from sexual intercourse or exercise. The bruise can also be a sign of a sexually transmitted disease, such as HIV infection, herpes, syphilis or gonorrhea (gonorrhea).
  • Bruises on abdomen and chest: If there is additional severe pain, an injury to the internal organs could have been caused by the contusion.
  • Sources: Focus doctor search, Netdoktor, ZDF and fitforfun

Bruises as a result of a corona infection and taking medication

Often bruises can be noisy MSD Manuals can also result from taking certain medications such as blood thinners. In these cases, the body cannot stop the bleeding so quickly. As a result, blue hematomas occur more quickly and more frequently. Even with age, the skin becomes thinner and blood vessels travel faster.

Editor’s note

The information given in this article does not replace a visit to a doctor. Only experts can make the right diagnosis and initiate appropriate therapy. The intake of medication or dietary supplements should be discussed with a doctor beforehand.

According to the report of gesundheit.de In a few cases, bruises appear as a result of a corona infection. They were mostly seen on the fingers or toes. The doctors found out that the skin changes occur as a result of a reaction of the immune system. This destroys blood vessels, resulting in bruises. According to the US authorities, side effects such as hematomas and bleeding also occurred after the corona vaccination.

The causes of bruises could not be more different. If in doubt, it is better to consult a doctor if bruising occurs frequently or in combination with other symptoms. (mima)

#Symptom #harmless #cases #bruises #examined

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