Detonation at Apartment Building in Bro, Stockholm, No Injuries Reported

by time news

Explosion Occurs at Apartment Building in Bro, Stockholm

A detonation rocked an apartment building in Bro, northwest of Stockholm, on Friday night. According to Mats Eriksson, the press spokesperson for the police, the explosion caused damage to the door of the building as well as several nearby windows. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

Following the explosion, several individuals were taken in for questioning by the police. However, as of now, no arrests have been made in connection with the incident.

In response to the explosion, the site was cordoned off overnight for a technical investigation. Additionally, the police went door-to-door in the area and utilized dog patrols to search for any potential suspects.

Authorities have classified the incident as public-dangerous devastation, indicating the seriousness with which they are treating the case.

The investigation is still ongoing, and the police are urging anyone with information about the incident to come forward.

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