Device selects healthier sperm to aid human fertilization

by time news

A new device has been created by Biomedical Engineering researchers at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia, and the Australian company NeoGenix Biosciences to help with human fertilization. Basically, the technology acts on male fertility problems, increasing the chances of success in in vitro treatments.

The idea behind the creation is to provide a more reliable microfluidic sperm sorting process. This step is an essential component in assisted reproduction and, according to Professor Majid Warkiani, one of the authors of the study, it is by far the most neglected step in relation to technological innovation.

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The microfluidic device has a structure made in 3D printing, being biologically inspired. In selection, in addition to replicating the female reproductive tract, it replicates the natural male process, where only a small percentage of the total sperm reach the egg.

Image: Reproduction/Microsystems and Nanoengineering/Nature

In extensive testing against conventional IVF screening methods, the new method showed an 85% improvement in DNA integrity and an average 90% reduction in sperm cell death, as the researchers explain. “Sperm selected by our method also showed better recovery after freezing than traditional methods,” points out Warkiani.

Helping with IVF

Expectations are that the device will provide help for those struggling with infertility and reduce the number of IVF cycles that fail. According to the World Health Organization, approximately one in six people in the world is affected by infertility.

In Australia, where research on the device is being carried out, one in 22 children is born through assisted reproduction. With a 78% failure rate, each IVF cycle can be an emotional roller coaster that is usually not very pleasant for couples looking for this solution.

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Image: LYagovy/iStock

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