DGX: the conference of the leading countries in the digital fields

by time news

This week there was a conference of leading countries in the digital fields – DGX – hosted by Singapore, where the CEO of the National Digital System, Shira Lev-Ami, gave a lecture on the subject of a secure transition to the cloud. Israel’s rich experience in the field of cyber defense, combined with the process of transitioning to the cloud, arouses great interest among The representatives of the countries. The discussion included sharing the challenging issues in the journey to the cloud of various governments – how to create a secure governmental environment in the public cloud? How to provide fast solutions in the cloud for the changing needs without compromising on protection aspects? How to deal with the risks associated with dependence on the large technology providers?

The new cloud unit in the national digital system is building the government house protected in the public cloud, which will allow the government offices to quickly set up their work environments in the cloud. This is, of course, within the framework of the Nimbus project shared with the Government Procurement Administration, the National Cyber ​​System, the Budget Division, the Accountant General and the Prime Minister’s Office.

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