Di Battista to Accordi & Disaccordi (Nove): “Di Maio and his claque seem to be the force supporters when they occupied the court of Milan”

by time news

Alessandro Di Battista very hard with the former partner Luigi Di Maio. Those statements released by the former political leader of the Five Stars immediately after the re-election of Sergio Mattarella at the Quirinale in which he spoke of “leadership that have failed” and the need to “open an internal political reflection”, did not really go down. “It is evident that they were addressed to Contewith all that claque behind. They seemed to me, now they’ll be pissed off, but I don’t give a damn, they seemed to me the forzisti which they occupied the court of Milanto protest, ”said Di Battista, a guest of ‘Agreements & Disagreements’, the political talk conducted by Luca Sommi and Andrea Scanzi aired every Friday at 22.45 on the Nove, recalling 11 March 2013, the day in which the parliamentarians of the PDL made a demonstration action during one of the hearings in the Ruby trial. What’s politics? Especially in the claque behind, which is also a silent claquewhat’s up? Want to reapply and that’s it, what else is there? Want to be behind the person who: “Oh, please eh, fight within the Movement eh, make yourself heard with Conte, so we some place available in a year and a half “. Also because the Movement will not already take 33%. Plus there is the cut of the parliamentarians: ‘Here we have to move, because one troop serves in there, because otherwise how can we affect a possible Draghi 2 government, in 2023, and place two undersecretaries and a minister? ‘ This is the truth – said the former militant grillino, interpreting the thoughts of those who support the corrente dimaiana – And since I’ve always told the truth from day one, when they changed the political leader into a collegiate leader just to fool me, you know? that’s how it went. That is, it wasn’t that they wanted collegiate leadership. And there Conte has nothing to do with it, he was prime minister, for this reason I am very loyal to Conte“.

It’s still: “Everyone is responsible. All those who when I do the interviews and critic of Maio on political reasons they call me, even in the Movement, and they tell me: “Well done, you were good, you finally said those things”. And I answer: “Look, I have a good memory eh, and today you who mi adulate you are the same people who the day before yesterday were afraid that Di Battista would become political leader because certain things changed ”. I was not bent on certain issues and therefore they canceled the political leader, they avoided getting him to vote, Crimi was more in government than Roosevelt’s Movement in the United States, solely to screw me. So much so that I then left the Movement and finished the collegiate guide, who disappeared. Many people who at this moment cling to me and say: “We hope you come back so you can give us a hand”, they are people that Conte should not beware of, however must be careful. Because today they are attached to him because without Conte today the Movement does not take a vote. I say: you know how good it would be for Conte to keep the double mandate rule? Avoglia! ”Di Battista concluded.

‘Agreements & Disagreements’ is produced by Loft Productions for Discovery Italia and will be available in live streaming and subsequently on demand on the new streaming service discovery+ as well as on the website, app and smart TV of TVLoft. Nove is visible on digital terrestrial channel 9, on Sky Canale 149 and Tivùsat Canale 9.

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