Diabetes Drugs for Weight Loss: Experts Weigh in on Health Risks and Sustainable Alternatives

by time news

2023-08-24 20:10:54
Certain diabetes drugs are being used for weight loss purposes, with influencers promoting them as a quick fix. However, experts have warned about the dangers of using these medications incorrectly. NU.nl sought advice from professionals on how to achieve a comfortable and healthy body.

Diabetes medications are not intended for individuals with a healthy weight, as they can have adverse side effects and potentially increase depressive feelings. Instead, experts suggest adopting a more sustainable approach, focusing on a healthy lifestyle that includes setting goals, maintaining social connections, and consuming nourishing food.

According to Nicole Hunfeld, a hospital pharmacist affiliated with the Royal Dutch Society for the Promotion of Pharmacy (KNMP), the resources circulating on TikTok create a sensation of satiety. While those with obesity or diabetes use these drugs to regulate their blood sugar levels, they can also cause people without these conditions to eat less and consequently lose weight.

Lifestyle pharmacist Ellen Willemsen explains that these medications are not intended for those with a healthy weight or slight overweight. Therefore, the effects of these substances on weight loss have not been extensively studied.

Hunfeld warns that no drug is without side effects, citing common complaints such as headaches and nausea. However, the long-term impact on organs like the kidneys remains unclear. Furthermore, these drugs can potentially amplify feelings of depression due to their influence on hormones.

Marlies Brakels, a lifestyle expert and owner of De Leefstijlunie, emphasizes the importance of reshaping one’s life instead of relying on medication indefinitely. Brakels advises against seeking a “magic wand” for weight loss, urging individuals to focus on adopting a healthy lifestyle tailored to their specific needs.

Setting achievable goals and maintaining social connections are crucial aspects of a healthy lifestyle, according to Brakels. Only after addressing these areas, individuals can then prioritize nutrition, exercise, and sleep. Brakels encourages people not to chase perfection, as it often leads to failure.

Willemsen also highlights the significance of a healthy lifestyle and warns against the unhealthy cycle of weight loss and regain. Whether it’s through following a diet or using medications not intended for weight loss, the moment one stops, the weight tends to return.

Stress is considered a major contributing factor to weight gain, as it increases cravings for fatty and sugary foods. Willemsen recommends avoiding constant snacking, as our bodies are not designed for it.

Proper nutrition plays a significant role in providing the energy needed to make healthier choices. Willemsen suggests opting for unprocessed foods and incorporating saturated fats like avocados and nuts into the diet. While occasional indulgences are allowed, consuming treats immediately after a meal helps limit the total number of eating occasions.

Ultimately, both Willemsen and Brakels urge individuals to question whether significant weight loss truly leads to happiness. They caution against relying on a “magic wand” solution, emphasizing the importance of gradual changes and celebrating every small improvement in health.

The article concludes by inviting readers to share their opinions on the content through a feedback questionnaire.]
#Shouldnt #Turn #Diabetes #Drugs #Lose #Weight #NUplus

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