Diabetes Foundation, ‘Italy first on screening law’

by time news

2023-09-13 18:50:26

“We are the first state in the world to have a law for the systematic screening of diabetes and celiac disease in the pediatric population.” This was underlined by the Italian Diabetes Foundation (Fid), which promoted the bill approved unanimously today in the Senate and already approved by the Chamber.

“From 2024, the law will allow children aged 1 to 17 destined to have type 1 diabetes to prevent the onset of the most dangerous symptoms such as ketoacidosis which can be lethal”, explains the FID. “Today – he underlines – approximately half of the 1,400 children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes every year in Italy arrive in hospital with ketoacidosis, risking coma, permanent damage and even death”. Furthermore, the law “will allow us to have more information to better understand the causes of the disease, with the possibility of introducing pharmacological strategies to slow it down and possibly stop it”. Furthermore, “it will allow celiac disease to be diagnosed early, which can lead to many complications if not diagnosed in time (around 60% of cases are not diagnosed)”.

“In addition to screening – highlights the FID – the law provides Italy with a national observatory on these two diseases and provides for the creation of information campaigns to raise awareness among the population about the pathologies and the importance of preventive screening”.

“It was a great emotion to participate in person at the final vote in the Senate, where once again we had the honor of listening to the representatives of our democracy as they reported to their colleagues in the chamber on the importance of screening and early management of positive test cases – declares the president of the Italian Diabetes Foundation, Nicola Zeni – There are battles that have no political colours: this is the most emblematic phrase of the climate that we have lived and breathed in these 2 years of work, meeting senators, ladies and gentlemen, Government representatives, experts and officials. It was certainly not a simple walk, but always remaining focused on the goal allowed us to get everyone to agree, clearing up the inevitable divergences and misalignments that have sometimes arisen along the legislative path.”

“A big thank you – adds Zeni – goes to the vice president of the Chamber, the Honorable Giorgio Mulè, who together with the Honorable Laura Cavandoli took it upon himself to advance – and strongly want – the first parliamentary initiative law proposal of the current legislature. Thanks particular also goes to Dr. Angelo Ficarra, who accompanied and guided us on the sometimes tortuous paths of politics”.

“But the work doesn’t end today: now the rules must be written, the ways in which the law will be implemented. Fid – assures the president – will continue to be present, providing its support and support in this very important operational phase”.

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