Diabetes: what it is, what parts of the body it affects and what complications there may be if it is not treated correctly

by time news

2023-11-14 20:48:09

The diabetes is a disease It is not cured, it is only controlled. It happens when the body does not produce enough insulin in the body, or when the insulin produced is not used properly. Since there is no insulin necessary, the cells stop responding as they should and sugar accumulates in the blood, causing more serious health problems that affect different parts of the body.

Types of diabetes

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It is important to make this clear: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) explains that the pancreas produces insulin (hormone), which allows sugar in the blood to reach the different cells of the body, so that they provide the necessary energy. When that does not happen, it is because there is diabetes. However, although all 3 are called diabetes, they have different characteristics that must be noted.

Diabetes type 1

Caused by the autoimmune reaction, where the body attacks itself, preventing insulin from being produced. He CDC points out that between 5 and 10% of people have this type of diabetes. The diagnosis can occur in children, adolescents and young people. In this case, it is necessary to receive insulin every day to survive.

Type 2 diabetes

In this case, the body does not use insulin correctly, so blood sugar does not remain at normal levels. Between 90 and 95% of people have it. The diagnosis occurs in adults, although it can occur at another stage of life. This type of diabetes can be prevented or delayed with healthy habits.

The main complications of this disease are circulatory. The Diabetes Foundation (FDNN) recommends maintaining a healthy lifestyle to avoid discomfort. José Ramón Calle, member of the FDNN, comments that the main complications are retinopathy, neuropathy and nephropathy.

Gestational diabetes

It appears in pregnant women and can also put the baby at risk. It usually disappears after the baby is born, but increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. It can also affect the baby in childhood or adolescence, causing obesity or type 2 diabetes.

What is prediabetes?

In the United States, approximately 88 million adults suffer from it. The problem is that more than 80% have no idea they even have it. It is a serious condition where sugar levels in the blood they are higher, but they are still not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, the problem does not stop there, as there can also be a stroke or heart disease.

What complications can there be if you have diabetes?

As a result of the high level of glucose in the blood, complications in the body can be various. When there is type 2 diabetes, they can be more serious or advanced, since the patient can live with the problem for a long time without being diagnosed.

He National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases points out that high blood glucose levels can cause:

* Cerebrovascular accidents.

* Kidney disease.

* Dental disease.

* Nerve injury.

* Eye or foot problems.

The main parts of the body that diabetes affects

The National Library of Medicine He comments that the more sugar there is in the blood, the more problems can be triggered in the body. The main damaged parts are: eyes, nerves, kidneys, skin, heart and blood vessels.


The National Library of Medicine indicates that diabetic retinopathy is the main condition that decreases vision or causes blindness. It happens due to damage to the blood vessels of the retina (layer of tissue on the inside and back of the eye). There is a risk with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Other problems are: cataracts, glaucoma, macular edema, retinal detachment.


They can be damaged, causing discomfort, pain, burning, loss of sensation or tingling. In the case of men, this problem can interfere with the erection. The National Kidney Foundation points out that when there are high blood sugar levels for a long time, they can damage the blood vessels that oxygenate the nerves. When nerves are damaged, they may send messages slowly, send them the wrong way, or stop sending messages at all. This damage is known as diabetic neuropathy.


Having high levels of sugar also affects the blood vessels, as they stop providing oxygen to the brain and heart. Fat also builds up and can cause blood clots or blockages, causing heart attacks or strokes.


The kidneys are responsible for filtering waste and extra fluid. They have tiny blood vessels that may become clogged or narrowed by high blood sugar levels. As they receive less blood, less waste comes out. This problem is known as diabetic kidney disease.


Diabetes can cause skin infections or ulcers. If the problem does not improve, it may require amputation of the limb. With infection there may be pain, oozing, or itching.

We must emphasize the importance of taking care of the skin, but mainly the feet. Diabetes could damage the nerves in that area, preventing you from noticing pain or other factors that are considered alarming. Poor blood circulation makes it difficult for sores to heal and this can lead to amputation.

Blood vessels

The high concentration of glucose in the blood causes the blood vessels to narrow. Since there is little blood supply, there begins to be difficulty in blood circulation.

Other damages can be:

– If there are problems digesting food, there could be constipation, looser or watery stools.

– The immune system is weakened, causing serious complications.

– There may be presence of depression.

– Irregular periods or problems with getting stuck.

– Diabetes increases the risk of dementia, as noted in the National Library of Medicine.

– Increases the probability of bone diseases.

The diabetes Although it is not cured, it can be controlled. The important thing is to go to the doctor to do the appropriate check-ups and have a healthy lifestyle. The complications that can arise if not treated correctly can be devastating.

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