“Diagnosis and management of chronic pain still difficult”

by time news

2023-07-04 17:15:00

“Information regarding chronic pain is scarce and insufficient. This causes the patient who suffers from it to take some time before consulting a doctor and receiving a diagnosis. The network of pain therapy centers is also fragmented at a geographical level and this represents a further difficulty in taking charge of patients”. Thus Maria Caterina Pace, full professor of Anesthesia and Intensive Care at the University of Campania ‘L. Vanvitelli’ of Naples and Past President of the Italian Association for the study of pain (Aisd) today on the occasion of the press conference in Milan, for the presentation of the campaign ‘And you know what it feels like? You can overcome pain’, promoted by Sandoz with the sponsorship of Aisd, FederDolore – Sicd, Isal Foundation, Onda Foundation and the Italian Society of General Medicine Simg).

“Since not everyone knows that chronic pain is a real disabling disease – underlines Pace – often those who suffer from it, before turning to a doctor or specialist, adopt a ‘do-it-yourself’ approach, perhaps taking over-the-counter analgesics. When these people realize the dramatic impact that pain has on their quality of life – he continues – they seek concrete answers from professionals.However, before receiving a diagnosis, it can take some time, also due to the lack of preparation in the field of many doctors Should the general practitioner therefore not provide the patient with concrete answers on the management and treatment of chronic pain, the expert advises “to take action independently, looking for a center that deals with pain therapy. The moment the patient becomes aware that she has pain that does not go away – it reminds of Pace – she absolutely must consult a doctor and, possibly, a specialist doctor “.

Chronic pain – the event was reminded – is persistent pain that lasts more than three months and which, therefore, can no longer be a form of protection for the body, as in the case of acute pain, which acts as a ‘ alarm bell’. “Chronic pain – explains Pace – is configured as a real pathology that seriously impacts the daily life of the person who suffers from it”. There are different types of chronic pain: “the most frequent is that which concerns the musculoskeletal system – explains Pace – then there is chronic cancer pain and that due to rheumatic diseases and fibromyalgia”. The best cure is certainly prevention, which passes through the promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle, but when necessary, drugs and, sometimes, physiotherapy are needed. “Depending on the type of pain and its intensity – concludes the expert – use different pharmacological therapies. If the pain is in a very advanced stage, and if there are other needs, even invasive treatments, such as some forms of spinal cord stimulation, can be considered”.

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