Diario Co Latino – Informing you with Credibility

by time news

2024-02-10 11:14:40

Gloria Silvia Orellana

A group of women from organizations that make up “Women in Resistance, Social Justice and Citizen Comptrollership” presented a brief to the judges of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) to request the annulment of the legislative elections due to the high number of reported irregularities.

Citizen complaints once again dot the work of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), which in the next few hours will address the review of votes for the new legislature in the Legislative Assembly.

The election for deputies faces serious observations regarding its transparency in the preliminary count and voting records, as well as the breaking of the chain of custody of their content.

“We have the right to vote, and it is a legitimate right that no one can annul or spoil it and no one can trample on it because it is valid and that is why we are here,” said Jackelyn Méndez, a member of the commission who arrived at the capital hotel where the vote is being held. final count the TSE and the political parties.

The women’s march, which started from the Beethoven Fountains, was stopped by elements of the National Civil Police, who, according to the protesters, took photos and recorded them without giving an explanation of the reason for carrying out this type of actions, Méndez denounced.

The document presented by this group of citizens is based on the irregularities recorded by independent national and international media and members of Vote Receiving Boards, who were overwhelmed at the time of filling out the minutes of each ballot box.

“We point out that members of the JRV trained at the last minute were replaced by the official party (New Ideas) in an imposing and violating manner against the interests of the voting citizens and the opposition political parties,” he indicated.

“We are also aware that some electoral boxes were violated, because their seals were opened and damaged. So, it is a criminal hand that intervened. Therefore, the minutes that were filled out at the tables were violated,” said Méndez.

Regarding the lack of credentials and training for people who were imposed at the last minute, the organizations considered that this caused the “mismanagement of the results” because they were not trained. As well as the poor performance of the company INDRA, which was awarded the computer and integrated technology (IT) contract for the recent elections.

“We want to highlight that the accreditations, the documentation, never arrived, and those that did arrive were clear examples of incompetence of the Electoral Court, by awarding credentials in the name of people who have already died, people who do not reside in the area or voting center, or people who were in the detention centers,” Méndez said.

“The lack also of the so-called -wifi kit- or wireless that would transmit the results to the counting center did not work, because in many cases they did not receive the wifi kit. And those who did receive it realized that it did not operate correctly, since it doubled the votes at the time of being transmitted that benefited the official party,” he indicated.

At the delivery of the document, the candidates for deputations from the opposition parties came out to receive the delegation of citizens, among them Claudia Ortiz, from the VAMOS party, who was critical of the attitude of PNC agents, in the face of a peaceful march that was intimidated from the beginning that they gathered.

“It is comforting for us as candidates for deputies, and citizens who have participated in this election process with different political parties, to know that we are doing the right thing and defending the people’s vote,” he said.

“We do not want one more vote or one less vote, we want to respect what the people have expressed at the polls and that for the moment – we have only seen an orchestrated chaos -, which seeks to leave it hidden, is what the people expressed based on your vote,” said Ortiz.

Likewise, he identified with the hopelessness of the population that comes to the Legislative Assembly, in search of a solution to problems or challenges faced by the population in the national territory.

“The citizens who feel affected by that Legislative Assembly that does not listen, that only receives orders and does not discuss initiatives for the people in economic, social, environmental and human rights matters, precisely express the importance of a balance in the Assembly” said Ortiz.

“We thank you for your courage, as citizens who come to leave this writing and thank all the colleagues who are here, because if people are not allowed to reach where decisions are made, that is why we are here as political leaders. to be channels of representation for the people,” Ortiz reiterated.

Andy Failer, president of the Nuestro Tiempo party, and Héctor Silva, candidate for deputy and current councilor of the commune of San Salvador, expressed their admiration for the population who are demonstrating with writings or requests to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal in search of clear and transparent answers. , as well as exercising “social oversight” of public servants.

“It is very good that they assert their rights and the specific message is for the people who may be watching us. We invite them if they want to present any writing or petition to the Supreme Electoral Tribunal, because the electoral failure that they have led and recognized has been recorded. . We are going to sign this document and present it to the Secretariat of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal,” Failer reaffirmed.

“We know that those who were at the tables and allowed the process to develop irregularly with total impunity,” added Héctor Silva, referring to the “serious” situation in which the credibility of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal finds itself.

“The State is attacking democracy and the only thing we have is this citizenship, and because of it we are willing to continue raising our voices in defense of human rights,” Silva argued.

César Reyes, candidate of the ARENA party, considered that the demonstration was the result of discontent among citizens who are only demanding “the transparency and purity of an electoral process,” in the face of the questionable number of anomalies against democracy.

“Likewise, these observations have been received from the international community, which has clearly said that more than 80% of the Vote Receiving Boards could not be formed by Salvadorans who were selected, trained and accredited by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal. ”he reported.

“And that the electoral process itself has been flawed in many ways and we as citizens, as candidates for deputies and representatives, are going to raise our voices about that clamor that the Salvadoran people have about respect for the vote of Salvadorans, it is the only thing “We ask that the TSE stop being subject to the direction of the Executive and that the will of the Salvadorans be respected,” Reyes concluded.

#Diario #Latino #Informing #Credibility

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