Díaz bets on peace and Sánchez on arming Ukraine

by time news

In the last hours the Government has increased the number of tanks you will send to ukraine. If this Wednesday the Minister of Defense assured that there would be six ‘Leopards’, today the president has clarified that in total there will be ten vehicles that Spain will allocate to Volodímir Zelenski to face the threat from Russia.

Spanish support is non-negotiable because, as Pedro Sánchez has remarked, “Ukraine is fighting for its survival”, while the enemy is fighting for “power”. “You are not alone in this fight, since Spain, the European Union and numerous allies and friends from around the world support Ukraine, and we will continue to do so as long as it is necessary,” he assured.

However, these statements have not been liked by the purple wing of the Executive which continues to bet on diplomatic channels. Today, Vice President Yolanda Díaz has supported the president’s visit to Ukrainian territory, because it is “essential”, but she has distanced herself from sending arms. “In the rest of the issues we have already given our opinion”, she has pointed out.

We can bet for “just and lasting” peace

As he explained, the main objective of supporting the Ukrainian resistance “has been to enable a fair negotiation, always under the firm belief that, precisely, a just and lasting peaceas claimed by Pope Francis and Antonio Gutérres, and as defined by the United Nations General Assembly, is not the same as the destruction of a country and the repression of its people.”

As her colleague Ione Belarra did recently, the Minister of Labor today asked not follow the dictates of the US. “European citizens should not and cannot trust ‘ad eternum’ American security guarantees. They need, we need, an autonomous reading of the world. As long as we depend on the United States for our security, we will not have autonomy to decide and organize our own role in relation to, for example, China”, he added.

Part of the partners request the appearance of Robles

The parliamentary groups in the Congress of Deputies of EH Bildu and ERC, and the deputies of the BNG and the CUP have demanded the appearance of Margarita Robles before the plenary to explain the shipment of the ‘Leopard’ to Ukraine.

In a letter, the four parties have criticized that these decisions “of enormous importance due to the implications they may have on the conflict escalation“The Government has adopted them” unilaterally and without having been debated and voted on in the Congress of Deputies.

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