Did Emmanuel Macron propose to extend learning from the age of 12?

by time news

“I never said that at 12 you had to put young people in apprenticeship”swore the president candidate Emmanuel Macron on France Inter, Monday April 4, denouncing « une fake news (…) relayed by Jean-Luc Mélenchon ».

During a meeting in Toulouse on Sunday, the leader of La France insoumise indeed attacked Emmanuel Macron: “How could he imagine sending a 12-year-old kid to an apprenticeship? »

Mr. Mélenchon was referring in particular to a sentence pronounced by the outgoing president during a trip to Fouras, in Charente-Maritime, Thursday, March 31. Arrested by a restaurateur who complained of having “all the difficulties in the world to hire staff”Mr. Macron replied in particular: “We need to make your professions better known, and therefore work-study and learning and orientation from the 5e to promote these professions. »

Before Jean-Luc Mélenchon, this sentence had been taken up by several Internet users close to La France insoumise and widely shared in order to denounce a desire of the president to make children work.

Asked by The world, Mr Macron’s campaign team insists there is no question of changing the learning age. If the short sentence pronounced at Fouras can maintain confusion, the candidate Macron intends in fact to establish, from the 5e at the 3e, half a day per week devoted to discovering trades, including technical and manual trades. College students would thus visit companies, meet professionals and discover the different training courses, and in particular the apprenticeship sector. This weekly half-day would notably replace the teaching of technology (currently 1 hour 30 minutes per week).

Emmanuel Macron has therefore not declared that he wants to change the legal age of learning. Currently, this contract is open to young people aged at least 16 (an exception is possible for 15-year-old students who have completed secondary school). The salary of apprentices can be set between 27% and 100% of the minimum wage since it is determined according to a remuneration grid which varies according to age and the year of execution of the contract.

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