Did Idit Silman’s retirement change the balance of power? These are the results of the polls

by time news

Idit Silman’s resignation from her position in the coalition today (Wednesday), with reports in the background that she received a proposal for armor in the Likud party and a promise to serve as health minister in the Likud government, also led to changes in the political structure in Israel. Despite this, great hope does not emerge from the polls, as no bloc is able to achieve the 61 long-awaited fingers for forming a government.

Channel 11 survey

According to the survey conducted On channel 11, By the Kantar Institute headed by Dudi Hasid, it was determined that the Likud would have received 35 seats, had the elections indeed been held tonight. There is a future with 19, blue and white and religious Zionism with 8 each, as well as Shas. Torah Judaism with 7 seats, the right of Prime Minister Bennett and the joint list win 6 seats each. Meretz, New Hope and Labor receive 5 each, while Yisrael Beiteinu and RAAM pass the blocking percentage with 4 seats.

According to the poll, the right-wing bloc and the ultra-Orthodox won 58 seats. Coalition parties receive 56 seats. The joint list holds 6 such seats.

In addition, the survey examined the percentage of support for Silman’s retirement from the government. Among those who identified as right-wing voters, Silman won 55% support, while 32% opposed. Among the other respondents, Silman won only 35% support, while 43% opposed her retirement.

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Former Coalition Chairman Edith Silman (Photo: Noam Moskowitz, Knesset Spokeswoman)

Channel 12 survey

However, In the news 12 The poll, conducted by Mano Geva, presented a slightly different picture in terms of the number of seats: the Likud rose to 35 on the eve of the election, as in the poll here 11, has a future in second place with 17. Shas wins 9 seats, blue and white with 8 Mandate: Torah Judaism, Labor and Religious Zionism receive 7 seats each, while the joint list wins 6. Right, Yisrael Beiteinu, Meretz and Ra’am – each is satisfied with 5 seats, with New Hope receiving 4 seats and closing the list.

In the picture of the blocs: The Likud, religious Zionism and the ultra-Orthodox are approaching the formation of a government with 58 seats, but are still not exceeding the required threshold. The coalition parties receive 56 seats and the joint list 6 seats.

Channel 13 survey

At the same time, in the survey News 13 The results presented a more rosy picture for the Likud, which garnered 38 seats. In second place again has a future, e]once with 17 seats. Blue and white of Bnei Gantz with 9 seats, religious Zionism with 8, right with 7 as well as Shas and Torah Judaism.

Yisrael Beiteinu, Labor and the joint list receive 6 seats, Meretz stabilizes with 5 seats and RAAM closes the list with 4. A new hope led by Gideon Saar does not pass the blocking percentage.

In the picture of the blocs, the Likud + the ultra-Orthodox and religious Zionism receive 60 seats. Coalition parties receive 54 seats. The joint list as stated with the remaining 6 seats and new hope outside the Knesset.

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