Did the monkey pox mutate? That’s the answer

by time news
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A senior director of the World Health Organization referred this afternoon (Monday) to an outbreak of monkey pox disease and explained that there are no indications of a mutation in the disease.

According to the senior, the disease is endemic (i.e., not epidemic) in the western region and Africa, and apparently the situation should not change and bring about another epidemic.

As you may recall, dozens of cases of the “monkey pox” epidemic have recently been discovered in the West. While until recently “monkey pox” was discovered in the African continent only, new cases of the plague have been discovered in Western countries.

Thus, in the United States, cases were discovered that, according to the symptoms, it was an epidemic of “monkey pox”. Thus, in Spain and Portugal, 40 more cases were discovered, and even in England, about nine cases were reported in which it was allegedly the African epidemic.

There is currently no cure for the smallpox epidemic, however the smallpox vaccine is also effective against the smallpox epidemic. Despite this – because smallpox is defined as an epidemic that has been eradicated from the world, there is not enough stock of vaccines in the world, with a new vaccine against both diseases recently approved in the EU, and drug companies are now trying to produce more injectable preparations.

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