Did the ultra-Orthodox join? After rising prices in the general public are calling for a boycott of consumers on a barn

by time news

Following Osem’s announcement this week that it would price the company’s products at a significant rate, harsh criticism began from politicians, journalists and social activists in the general public in Israel over the decision, and they even called for a consumer boycott of the company to give up the move.

Social activists explain that Osem is raising prices for no apparent reason – probably in light of the fact that the company has made a profit of hundreds of millions of shekels in the past year. Despite calls for a boycott in the general public, before it is clear whether ultra-Orthodox consumers will stop buying the popular company’s products.

The chairman of the economics committee, MK Michael Bitton, sharply criticized the move and that of Osem and called for a consumer boycott. “The 2011 cottage protest proved that consumers have enormous power, it should be a widespread consumer choice not to give a hand in raising prices,” said MK Bitton, adding: .

He added: “Osem said that the price increases are due to market changes such as transportation costs in the market – it is true that there are changes in market prices and yet manufacturers have huge profit percentages and can and are required to be fair to their consumers. Understand that. “

MK Bitton added that “the marketing chains are required for creativity, this or that pasta is not the only one – you can strengthen small producers, you can import, you can choose another brand that does not raise prices.” He concluded: For all the relevant bodies doing their job. The Consumer Council, the Consumer Protection Authority and the Competition Authority. “

Bitton noted that the Competition Authority is required to exercise all the powers it has received from the legislature – from investigations to fines and indictments if required, “Any public statement of price increases should be examined in depth and make sure there is no orchestra opening in the same industry to raise prices.”

Journalist Sivan Cohen, who is considered an activist in the field of consumerism, is also valid: “Good morning to you – the products you are used to buying again are becoming more expensive, why? Because it is possible! Why? Because you will continue to buy and pay more, why? “The profits even more if possible why? Because we are all suckers.”

Cohen explained: “Why suckers? Because it’s really not just a barn. Importers and companies have been making fun of the Israeli consumer for years and you are silent and paying the highest prices in the world for simple consumer products or for deodorant that elsewhere on the globe is sold for a fifth of the price paid here. “You have power !!!! Just show it to them!”.

She called for a consumer boycott and concluded: “Osem raises prices? Stop buying the products that have become more expensive. Are there a lot of substitutes on the shelf? Another company is harassing you? Stop buying !! “Just so that prices do not rise, they will fall. Will you continue to buy? The price will only rise!”

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