Did you know that boiling water helps eliminate more than 80% of microplastics?

by time news

2024-03-20 21:00:06

A group of scientists found that boiling tap water for 5 minutes reduces its microplastic content. This simple and economical method could be applied in almost any home in the world.

Last update: March 20, 2024

The liquid we drink, whether from the tap or from commercial bottles, is contaminated by small, invisible plastic particles. They are introduced silently into the body, which represents a health risk. Boiling water appears as a preventive method to reduce such exposure.

This was reported by scientists from Guangzhou and Jinan (China) in a recent publication commenting on their research findings. When analyzing different water samples with microplastics, they recorded a notable decrease in contaminants, thanks to boiling for five minutes.

And, although purifying plants eliminate a good part of the toxic substances, micro and nanoplastics escape from their filters. Therefore, it is important to take preventive actions at home. One of them, now certified by science, is to boil water.

How does boiling water remove microplastics?

The group of scientists who led the research belongs to the Chinese universities of Canton and Jinan. They started from a premise that is traditional in Asian countries: boil drinking water.

It is a common practice there that It is carried out in order to eliminate bacteria and other pathogens. However, it was not clear that boiling contributed in any other way.

Until now, we did not know if boiling water was effective in removing nano- and microplastics from tap water.

~ Yu et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2024 ~

After carrying out various tests, the scientists found that boiling was able to isolate more than 80% of these contaminants. Their results were published in Environmental Science and Technology Letters.

As described there, substances derived from polystyrene, polyethylene and polypropylene are encapsulated in calcium carbonate incrustations when boiling occurs. Especially in hard water (that is, with a lot of salts and minerals).

This means that calcium and magnesium salts are associated with microplastics. In simple words, they “trap” the particles through boiling.

By boiling water for five minutes, scientists verified that it is possible to eliminate microplastics and nanoplastics between 0.1 and 150 micrometers (μm), a unit equivalent to one thousandth of a millimeter. With this simple strategy for the home you could contribute to the decontamination of the liquid we consume daily. But one more step is needed.

Boil and filter water to remove microplastics

Chinese scientists analyzed several water samples. Each of them had different levels of hardness, that is, different concentrations of salts and minerals.

They added tiny plastic particles to the samples. Then, they boiled them for five minutes and let them cool. Finally, they strained them with a fine mesh strainer. Thus, the lime crystalline structures that “trapped” the microplastics remained in the filter and the final content in the liquid was reduced.

The results of the various samples revealed that the method (boiling and filtering) has high effectiveness. Removes up to 95% polystyrene, 81% polyethylene and 90% polypropylene.

According to scientist Eddy Zeng, one of the authors, the intake of particles would be two to five times lower after applying the method in hard water. On the other hand, in soft water samples, that is, those with a low concentration of calcium carbonate, the result shows 25% effectiveness.

So, to eliminate micro and nanoplastics at home, in addition to boiling the water, it would then have to be filtered. According to the authors, a common coffee filter is sufficient.

What are microplastics and why are they dangerous?

Microplastics are small particles that result from the breakdown of larger plastics.. They are also manufactured on purpose, in the form of microbeads, to be added as an ingredient to certain cosmetics.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from the United States stipulates that a particle is considered microplastic when it is less than five millimeters in diameter. Between one and 1000 nanometers (a unit that divides the micrometer by a thousand) will be named nanoplastics.

The deleterious effects of these particles are varied. In the environment, especially in seas and oceans, they generate pollution. From there they can reach the body of various species, including humans. Although the specific effects on health are still a matter of research.

Microplastics are primary if they were produced directly at this size, or secondary, when they are the result of the fragmentation of larger objects.

Environmental pollution

The strong impact of plastics on the environment is not new. According to informed by the UNIn 1950, 1.5 million tons of this material were produced, a figure that exceeded 300 million in 2020. In addition, 76% of the plastic production accumulated from the mid-20th century to the present became waste.

The vast majority of this waste is poorly managed. The consequences are irreversible if one considers that the average degradation implies an average of 500 years. The UN report suggests that if the same trend persists, by 2050 the oceans will have more plastic than fish by weight.

The water problem

Water is essential for the health of the planet and the species that inhabit it. But currently, it is not exempt from microplastic pollution. This includes bottled and tap.

It is interesting to know that reusable PET plastic bottles showed greater contamination than other packaging. And glass ones were not exempt from having high levels of microplastics.

Therefore, it is considered that It is a good health recommendation to opt for tap water, when it is purified in the area where we live. And if we take the liquid with us in a plastic container, we must learn to clean reusable bottles properly.

The effects on human health

Plastic pollution also affects human health. Although the specific effects of microparticles are under investigation, The UN report maintains that we are vulnerable.

Waste changes what we eat and water sources. In that sense, detection in food and beverages is essential. According to a study published in the journal Science of the Total Environmentthe content of micro- and nanoplastics varies depending on the form of production, the storage mode and the transportation route of the food products.

Besides, These particles can be inhaled when suspended in the air. Their small size allows them to reach the depth of the lungs, so would be associated with various respiratory diseases. For example, interstitial fibrosis and even cancer.

Specifically, a complete review of the literature published in 2020 found evidence of the following problems associated with plastic exposure in humans:

  • Chronic bronchitis.
  • Systemic inflammation.
  • Allergic sensitization.
  • Peeling of the epithelium of the digestive system.
  • Increased risk of autoimmune reactions.

Besides boiling water, how can I protect myself from microplastics?

The process the Chinese researchers described is effective in removing most micro- and nanoplastic residues from tap water. On the other hand, it can be executed at home without complications.

There are no secrets: just heat the liquid to the boiling point, that is, at about 100 degrees Celsius under normal pressure. Then let it boil for 5 minutes and cool.

Finally, you have to filter the boiled water. Professor Zeng advises using fine mesh strainers or coffee filters.

However, we can do more. Water filtration systems for homes are useful physical barriers to reduce microplastics in drinking water, as scientists from Toronto (Canada) say. You can install one for your house.

On the other hand, you should reduce the use of single-use disposable plastic products. Opt for reusable alternatives, preferably non-PET, such as stainless steel bottles or glass containers.

While it is difficult to completely avoid exposure to microplastics, Taking these steps can reduce your risk. In addition, you contribute to the protection of the environment.

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