Did you not collect? You paid! The municipality of Kfar Saba carried out an operation to enforce dog offenses in the university neighborhood

by time news

Local information for dog owners in the university neighborhood (photo: KPS Municipality)

This morning (Wednesday), the municipality of Kfar Saba, under the direction of the mayor and through the municipal supervision and policing department, carried out an enforcement operation for dog offenses in the university neighborhood and the surrounding area, accompanied by local advocacy to maintain the municipal bylaw. The operation took place following the reinforcement of enforcement and information on dog offenses throughout the city, including the reinforcement of the supervision and enforcement teams, with the aim of maintaining the cleanliness of the city as part of an overall municipal policy and enforcement of offenses such as: failure to collect dog excrement, dogs without a leash, dangerous dogs without a leash and more.

As part of the strengthening of enforcement, which is carried out through covert and visible teams, calls received on the subject at the municipal center are examined and in accordance with them, as well as in accordance with the patrols carried out in different areas, each time a different area of ​​the city is selected where an enforcement operation is carried out – and this is in addition to ongoing enforcement at the same time as information among the residents.

The university neighborhood was chosen after many complaints were received at the municipal hotline 106 about owners and owners of dogs who do not act in accordance with the municipal by-law and do not collect their dog’s excrement.

During the operation, 7 reports were registered for not collecting dung and dogs without a leash, while at the same time an awareness campaign was carried out and about 100 flyers were distributed to the owners and owners of dogs that were observed walking their dogs on a leash and collecting the dung.

Advocacy within the framework of the dog crime enforcement operation

Advocacy within the framework of the dog crime enforcement operation

At the same time, as mentioned, covert enforcement is being increased in additional neighborhoods throughout the city, and this is in addition to the ongoing presence of enforcement by the municipal inspectorate, whose purpose is to deal with those who break the law. The activity, which began several months ago, is expected to expand to the rest of the city’s neighborhoods, with the enforcement activity being carried out with determination at all hours of the day and throughout the year.

We will emphasize that covert and overt enforcement will also be carried out based on individual complaints received at the municipal hotline 106 about uncollected dog droppings. On this occasion, we remind you that the fine for not collecting dog excrement is 730 NIS, and the fine for a dog without a leash in the public space is 500 NIS.

Mayor Rafi Sa’ar: “The phenomenon of not collecting dog waste harms the quality of life of the residents of the city, and our determined urban activity to live in a clean, pleasant and well-kept city. I hope that the owners of the dogs in the city will act in their area of ​​residence and on the streets of the entire city with the utmost responsibility and care for their environment, so that we can all enjoy a clean city. We will continue to act Until the phenomenon is completely eradicated. I thank the enforcement and information teams for their dedicated work and call on the public to comply with the enforcement authorities.”

Dog owners are invited to view the locations of the dog parks and “poo-poo” facilities in the city

Municipal information bulletin on the enforcement of dog offenses

(Photos: Kfar Saba Municipality)

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