Did you not understand Oren Kamianski’s joke? A sign that you are not Rashaltzim

by time news

Oren Kamianski (38) from Rishon Lezion started his career in stand-up at a young age, just to overcome the fear and shyness that were inherent in him.

Today, with over a decade of experience in the field, he is coming out with a new show, uploading successful segments on the Internet, planning to conquer the stand-up stages in Israel and not forgetting to set aside a place for humor that speaks to the rascals.

“Probably because I’m the smallest child in the house, they didn’t consider my opinion, I was a shy and cowardly child,” says Kamianski. “I’ve always envied funny people, who just walk into a room and immediately bring a good atmosphere with them, people who throw a word and immediately everyone laughs.

“I remember that I would stand in front of the mirror and imitate the characters of the Comedy Store. Since as a child I was not really allowed to voice my opinion, I found that stand-up is the natural place for me: to stand in a central place and speak with a microphone so that everyone can hear what I have to say.”

Two days after Kamianski was released from the army, I went to Eilat and joined an entertainment team. “It was an excellent school for my career.” He says.

“In my eyes, Stadenapist is a kind of doctor for the soul. I also really like the creative process, I can start writing a piece about an incident that happened to me at the supermarket with the cashier and little by little the jokes take a turn and the piece will end with the seller from the meat department who was my juice. A piece like this fills me with a sense of pride, and that In my opinion, one of the most important things in life: to be able to be proud of yourself.”

Do you have any jokes that only the Chiefs will understand?

We never gave a chance to a football team in the city and in my opinion it is very talented, fact, even the old football field was called “the bin field”. A player comes, hears the name of the field, he gets all excited.

“I myself played with third graders in the city of Rashel, the only thing I remember is the yelling and cursing of the parents during the games: ‘Give me the ball, look how you look, you’re a trash child.’ And I tell him, ‘Dad, we’re still at home.’

“Or: Where are the days of Lev Ha’ir Mall? You go there to a party at Disco Kid with the whole class, get a coupon at the entrance for pizza at Pizza Vitrage and ice cream in cold buckets and all for 5 NIS. Today, only parking in the area costs 5 NIS per minute.”

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