Did you pay? You’ve been accepted! • Meetings looking for wealthy students

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The registration season for large meetings sometimes produces inhuman stories behind the scenes, not easy evidence of problematic conduct of registrars and meeting managers, who treat the guys – as objects passed between merchants in recent years, the difficult stories that accompanied the registration – calmed down a bit, but still ugly That you deserve to pass from the world.

As reviewed extensively at Shabbat Square earlier this week, this year’s registration season opened at the end of ‘Winter Time’ and most registrars have finished registering for meetings, so now only the last inlays remain, with each meeting leaving a number of ‘last minute’ places.

But if so far we have covered the phenomenon as a whole, without going into the work of drawing itself, we will now reveal a difficult story – which may not be a big secret, but unfortunately it is a wrong phenomenon in several meetings – some of them, highly regarded meetings.

As is well known, in the ultra-Orthodox community there are families with money, whether it is the father who managed to amass a fortune or a rich uncle from abroad and sometimes it is a grandfather who “sits well.” At least, according to rumors.

If you thought that the only parameter that determines when accepting a guy for a yeshiva is the degree of perseverance or talent in his studies, or that in order to maintain Ashkenazi percentages, when accepting Sephardim – Ashkenazi receive less well, today some yeshivas have another parameter. In the degree of “contribution” that the family will make to the yeshiva, prior to receiving the guy.

For example, the head of a small yeshiva describes in a conversation with Kikar Hashabat, a story that took place this year: “There was a guy I know well who signed up for an important and successful yeshiva in Jerusalem.

“But,” the Rosh Yeshiva describes in shock, “the day after receiving the positive answer, the guy was informed that his admission to the yeshiva was not yet final, and for the final admission the father had to contact one of the yeshiva rabbis – who is also responsible for some of the yeshiva’s funds.”

The head of the yeshiva tells Kikar Hashabat that “after accepting the young man for the yeshiva, it became clear to the yeshiva staff that he had a rich grandfather, with great abilities, when they realized this, they decided to suspend his acceptance, and the same yeshiva rabbi announced that only after Receiving a donation to the yeshiva – the registration of that young man for the yeshiva will be completed. “

Is this a unique and unusual story? “Absolutely not,” he told Shabbat Square, a senior registrar involved in several meetings. He said, “In the powerful and big meetings – of course not in all of them, they decided to marry the children through the rich guys. “

According to another registrar, “The fishing craft of those yeshivot begins long before registration, I know for example of a guy in class C a small yeshiva, whose family, is a connected and very strong family, but what, the strong yeshiva that wanted to” recruit “him to the yeshiva – no “Until this year she got guys from the small yeshiva where the guy is studying. So what did that financier do at the yeshiva? Of course he did not give up on the ‘fat fish’, and already at the beginning of winter he called a staff member at that small yeshiva.”

According to the registrar, “The yeshiva staff member was surprised when he received the phone call from the prestigious yeshiva, and he was even more surprised when he was informed by the yeshiva that they had made a decision this year, to accept guys from the yeshiva and asked for the boys list In a guy who comes from the connected family and that’s why they suddenly decided to “cooperate”, with the yeshiva that until this year they didn’t get any guys from it. “

“The stories about the greed for money do not end,” the registrar adds in a conversation with Kikar Hashabat. Because the family agreed to pay.

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“You see, these are things that would not have happened until today, and if so it would have happened in a minor way, but today, there are meetings that put a lot of effort into locating the sons of rich people and they are not really interested in their educational status.”

A senior educator who told us the story told Shabbat Square: “I’m shocked. I just have no words. Think what a terrible message this is sending to ordinary guys and those from unrelated families, all their self-worth goes down the most and they realize the most important thing “Life is just money or power, otherwise you have no chance.”

“And what are we talking about here? These are yeshivas not universities, these are yeshivas that are supposed to educate the boys to the values ​​that the Torah is the most important thing, do you think the boys are stupid? They do not hear or see these stories? “It was completely lost. True, I know that in most yeshivas it is not like that, but it is enough that a few individual yeshivot from the top of the yeshivas behave in this way, to destroy generations of students,” the educator concludes with tangible pain.

It should be noted that Kikar Hashabat has the full details of the yeshivas that charge money, but at the behest of the rabbis we do not reveal their names at this stage, in order to “order through repentance,” in the words of the rabbis, and in the hope that the custom will cease.

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