Diet According to Blood Group: Which Foods are Allowed to Eat?

by time news

2023-07-30 12:00:00

Diet According to Blood Group: Which Foods Are Allowed to Eat?

Blood Group O

According to D’Adamo’s theory, blood type O originated in the Stone Age when hunters and collectors fed mostly on red meat. This assumption forms the basis for the nutrition plan: a lot of red meat should be eaten six to eight times a week, combined with fruits and vegetables. Cereals and dairy products, on the other hand, are not on the menu because they did not exist in the Stone Age. Blood group O’s diet is very similar to the Paleo diet or low-carb diet.

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Blood Group A

According to D’Adamo, a vegetarian diet is recommended for people with blood group A. He justifies it with the fact that this blood group type came up as the first farmers started growing grain and other crops. Meat, dairy products, and eggs are not included in this diet. The diet of blood group A is comparable to vegetarianism.

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Blood Group B

This blood group B is said to have arisen in the nomads who are said to have fed mainly on their animals and their products such as milk and cheese. D’Adamo recommends green vegetables, eggs, lamb, rabbit, and venison.

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Blood Group AB

According to D’Adamo, carriers of the blood group AB originated from the mixture of farmers and nomads who knew farming, meat, and milk from wandering around. This blood type is also listed under “the enigmatic ones” or “electrians”. These mixed types tolerate eggs, grains, and dairy products but should avoid pork, according to D’Adamo’s theory.

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