Diet principles to help fight “gallbladder stones”, a silent threat that many people overlook : PPTVHD36

by time news

Gallstones A disease that is often considered mild and treatable. But did you know that? If complications arise when the stone has slipped into the bile duct or pancreatic duct It can be life threatening!

We can reduce the risk and prevent the development of gallbladder stones. By choosing to eat the right “food” and this is … principles of eating that help resist. “Gal stones in the gallbladder” a silent danger that many people overlook.

Eat well, young, weighs almost a hundred, beware of “gallstones in the gallbladder”

Stomach ache, don’t be complacent The aorta can “rupture,” life-threatening.

Risk Factors What are “gallstones in the gallbladder”?

  • heredity If a family member has a history of gallbladder stones The likelihood of risks will increase.
  • obesity Because obesity is a factor that increases the amount of cholesterol in the bile.
  • diabetes These patients are more likely to have elevated triglyceride levels in their blood. And bile will reduce the contraction when hyperglycemia occurs. This increases the risk of developing gallstones in the gallbladder.
  • rapid weight loss because it causes the liver to secrete more cholesterol including the gallbladder contraction less The precipitation becomes more likely to form stones.
  • food People who like to eat foods that are high in fat. and rarely eat high fiber food These people are more likely to develop gallstones.

Adjust the way (choose) to eat. to reduce the risk of gallstones in the gallbladder

  • Opt for whole grain foods such as brown rice and whole wheat bread.
  • Increase your daily intake of fruits and vegetables.
  • Choose a variety of grains. Nuts that contain soluble fiber
  • Avoid fried foods. or foods that are high in fat
  • Opt for lean, easily digestible meats such as chicken, fish.

Even after having the gallbladder removed, the “food” is still important to choose.

Because the liver acts to excrete bile and is stored in the gallbladder. to aid in the digestion of fatty foods When the patient has surgery to remove the gallbladder The release of bile can result in pain, abdominal discomfort, and diarrhea, especially after a meal with a high-fat diet. That is, should eat by dividing the food into small meals. To make the amount of bile excreted suitable for the amount of food and focus on eating whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins or low in fat, such as chicken, meat and fish, and avoid caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee and soft drinks.

turn to adjust eating behavior To prevent gallstones in the gallbladder before it’s late Because this disease is not just painful. But if complications arise Gallstones in the gallbladder can intensify to the point of infecting the bloodstream. And it can cause death!

Thank you health information from Paolo Hospital Chokchai 4

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