Differences between Micronized Creatine and Monohydrate

by time news

2023-06-30 07:57:59

In the extensive market of sports supplements, creatine has stood out in recent years as one of the most popular and supported. There are different formats and types of creatine, when buying we usually find the terms: creatine monohydrate and micronized creatine.

If you are a regular reader of our blog, you will know that at HSN we want you to always be able to make an informed decision and choose the one that best suits your sports needs and goals.

What is the difference between creatine monohydrate and micronized?

Creatine is made up of three amino acids (glycine, arginine, and methionine) and is generally marketed as creatine monohydrate. Despite the existence of different chemical forms,10 creatine monohydrate is the variant with the highest degree of evidence and advantages in terms of quality and price.Micronization is a process that converts the raw material into a more soluble and easily digestible powder by reducing the size of the particles. When applied to creatine, we get micronized creatine, which dissolves better and is more easily digested.

Properties of micronized creatine

The term “micronized” refers, therefore, to the refinement of creatine monohydrate, which potentially provides certain benefits linked to this physical treatment.

As we have been saying, the purpose is to reduce the particle size, which translates into the following points:

Improved absorption: Treatment to reduce size also translates into greater bioavailability. 9Greater “solubility”: By getting the powder to acquire a greater surface area, we obtain a greater suspension capacity, giving more homogeneous and stable mixtures. 9better digestion: Thanks to its absorption benefits, possible gastrointestinal problems traditionally associated with creatine supplementation can be reduced, especially relevant if loading phases are carried out.9Better consumer experience: by reducing the particle size, it improves the perception in the mouth when consumed, since it minimizes the typical gritty sensation of powder with larger granules.

Benefits of creatine monohydrate

The high degree of evidence in favor of the use of creatine monohydrate in different sports and health contexts, together with its great value for money, have positioned it as one of the star supplements.

As seen, the difference between the two forms is mainly based on their final processing, in order to increase their solubility and avoid possible gastrointestinal problemsbut broadly speaking we are talking about products with similar ergogenic benefits.

Not only adult individuals and athletes benefit from creatine supplementation, but Studies carried out in populations of different age ranges have shown both safety and benefits at a cognitive and therapeutic level.6-7, in addition to promoting an anabolic environment that can help mitigate sarcopenia rates.8

Recommended dose, how and when to take

There is a traditionally misconception linked to the need to implement a protocol with doses higher than maintenance doses. The recommendations suggested carrying out a loading period in order to maximize creatine levels in the muscle, however, new studies show that, after a while, continued doses achieve the same concentrations.

The two most widespread protocols for creatine supplementation:

Use a sustained dose of 3gr/day or an equivalent of 0.1gr/kg weight/day.Carry out a loading period followed by a maintenance period, with initial doses of 0.3gr/kg/day followed by the maintenance dose.

Without significant long-term benefit, “loading” may be an option when you want to get the ergogenic benefits in a shorter period of time.5

Although no significant differences related to the time of intake have been reported, however, Eating it together with carbohydrates could help the recovery of muscle glycogen, promoting better recoverybeing an excellent option as a post-workout drink.1

What factors to consider when choosing

Some of the most important factors to consider about micronized creatine or monohydrate are:

Sieving or granulometry: As you have seen, by reducing the particle size, benefits related to solubility, bioavailability and digestion are obtained. The Mesh units determine properties of the sieve mesh that a product is capable of passing through, so that the higher the Mesh number, the smaller the particle size.Economic cost and scientific support: Creatine monohydrate has been the focus of most research, so it has more evidence. In addition, it is the chemical form with a more affordable price. Because of this, we do not recommend using alternative chemical forms to the monohydrate, such as creatine gluconate or creatine phosphate.Product purity: important to consume a product free of impurities. Factors such as traceability and transparency should be present in the choice.Recommended dose: As indicated above, except in exceptional cases, it is recommended to use a sustained dosage protocol with a dose of 3gr/day or an equivalent of 0.5-1gr/kg/day depending on individual needs. For more information check the manufacturer’s labeling and instructions.Does not contain traces of potential allergens: at HSN we apply really strict protocols to avoid any contamination in our manufacturing process, thus guaranteeing safety for intolerant people and people with allergies.If you buy creatine under the Creapure® seal, you can check on the website of its manufacturer, Alzchem, if the brand is registered as an official distributor of this famous raw material.. At HSN we have the Creapure® distributor code: 18HR11, which you can find on the labels of our products with this raw material.check the reviews: the opinions and experiences of other users can provide you with useful information about the effectiveness of the product.

What is the best option for you?

At HSN we have different products and formats based on creatine monohydrate, powder or capsules. And we have very good news for you! And it is that, if you do not decide on one or the other, we anticipate that you are facing a situation in which you choose the option you choose, you will not be wrong:

If you are considering taking creatine for the first time, the creatine monohydrate of our RawSeries it is an excellent option. Its particle size of 200Mesh provides a smooth, non-gritty texture in the mouth. In addition, its neutral flavor makes it ideal to combine with other products or mix in your post-workout shake.

Creatine Monohydrate in HSN

On the other hand, we have the products under the famous patents Creapure® y Kre-Alkalyn®.

Creapure version of HSN creatine monohydrate

The capsule versions can be very useful to transport and take at any time.

Evokalyn creatine from HSN


The safety, efficacy and benefits in different scenarios have made creatine one of the supplements with the highest demand.

To obtain the greatest associated benefits, it is advisable to know the factors that can influence quality, such as the chemical form, dose, purity… as well as different quality indicators.

Throughout the article reference has been made to micronization, a physical process with which we are able to reduce the particle size and consequently improve solubility, bioavailability and consumer experience by achieving a more pleasant texture.

with what to take

Bibliographic Sources:

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Dosage and when to take – 100%

The best option for you – 100%

#Differences #Micronized #Creatine #Monohydrate

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