Different symptoms between Ebola and Dengue Fever | Thai PBS News Thai PBS News

by time news

“Ebola” is in the same disease group as “Dengue fever” due to similar symptoms Even though the Ebola outbreak situation in Thailand is at a low rate But learning to protect Taking care of yourself is still essential.

Ebola (Ebola) or Ebola virus infection.

It is a dangerous communicable disease of Thailand according to the Communicable Diseases Act B.E. 2558, which is severe and life-threatening. Caused by the Ebola virus (Ebola virus) found the first outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in Central Africa. When this virus enters the body Viruses also damage the body’s immune system and vital organs. leading to severe and uncontrollable bleeding

Dengue Fever

Caused by the dengue virus (Dengue) spread to the human body from the bite offemale mosquito Dengue fever is one of the diseases that the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared as a disease to watch out for. The infected patient has a high fever. have a more severe illness than the common cold


  • Ebola Symptoms appear from day 2 after being infected to day 21. The most common symptoms are as follows.
    – High fever, sore throat, headache
    – Joint and muscle aches
    – body weakness severe muscle weakness
    – No appetite, stomach ache
    over time symptoms are more severe Bleeding in the body through the eyes, ears, nose, some patients may vomit or cough up blood. bloody diarrhea

  • Dengue have symptoms similar to the common cold but will show more severe symptoms such as
    – Very high fever, severe headache
    – Aches and pains in joints and muscles throughout the body
    – A red rash or bruises under the skin all over the body
    – Nausea and vomiting
    may be found or have other complications, such as bleeding in the tissues in the body In cases where the body is weak and has a lower immunity


  • Ebola It is transmitted by contact with the skin or secretions of an already infected animal such as a monkey, chimpanzee or bat, and can be transmitted from person to person through direct contact with blood or secretions.
  • Dengue caused by female mosquitoes Sucking the blood of a patient with dengue virus The dengue virus then grows inside the stomach of the Aedes mosquito. When mosquitoes bite others The virus then spreads into the body of the bitten person.


  • Ebola no cure yet Treatment is supportive or symptom control. And this is a very serious disease. Hospitalization is required and patients are isolated to reduce the risk of spreading the disease.
  • Dengue There is no specific cure yet. It’s just a close symptom supportive treatment.


  • Ebola Ebola virus infection There is a 90% chance of death, resulting in failure of vital organ functions in the body, such as severe bleeding, delirium, convulsions and loss of consciousness.
  • Dengue can develop into severe dengue hemorrhagic fever which will cause a higher fever worsening headache Bleeding into tissues and internal organs leading to shock with a risk of death


  • Ebola no vaccinethat can be used to prevent Ebola virus But now there is ongoing research on vaccines to prevent it. Now the best defense is to avoid the risk of infection
  • Dengue in Thailand A vaccine that protects against dengue is still in the trials process. Therefore, prevention methods are focused on methods of eliminating the disease-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. and avoiding the risk of disease by taking care of yourself

Read more: Ministry of Public Health tightens protection against “Ebola” travelers from Africa

source: Pobpad

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