Difficult week of negotiations on the left in view of the legislative elections, Christian Jacob excludes “dual membership”… The political news of the day

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The world keeps the synopsis of the presidential election of 2022: a daily update is published each evening at 7 p.m., which highlights the political events of the past day and discusses the appointments to come.

News of the day. Difficult week of negotiations between LFI, EELV, the PCF and the PS in view of the legislative elections

The negotiations on the left around an agreement in the legislative elections seemed to be progressing, they are now stalling between La France insoumise (LFI), Europe Ecologie-Les Verts (EELV) and the Communist Party (PCF), and are not likely to be simplified with the entry into the dance of the Socialist Party (PS).

” It’s a little complicated “, declares Manuel Bompard with a grimace. The head of the negotiators for LFI was however optimistic, Thursday, April 21. But the two main bilateral negotiations conducted by LFI with their former competitors are experiencing turbulence.

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First with EELV. Discussions took place all weekend around the program. And if the convergences are real on many subjects – “public services, wages, climate, gender equality, higher education…”according to the secretary general of EELV, Julien Bayou – the subject of Europe is a tricky one.

Also, the ex-ecologist presidential candidate, Yannick Jadot, called Tuesday morning to “a very open coalition” pour “send as many deputies as possible to the National Assembly”but he refuses the union ” rear “ Jean-Luc Melenchon. “If at any point this coalition fails to respect the diversity and identity of its partners, it will be without me”, warned on France Inter the one who gathered 4.63% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, against 21.95% for Mr. Mélenchon. The relationship with the Communists also cooled. Fabien Roussel would like the Socialists to be included in the agreement.

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The discussion will be able to begin on Wednesday April 27 with the Socialists, but promises to be difficult. Retiring at 60 does not convince the PS executives financially, who want to remain open on this crucial issue for LFI. Also, the former minister Stéphane Le Foll fears an agreement with LFI which would act “erasure” from the party of Jaures. On the left, the trading week is far from over.

The picture. Marine Le Pen soon to return to Hénin-Beaumont

Steeve Briois, Marine Le Pen and Bruno Bilde, in Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais), Sunday April 24, 2022.

The candidate defeated in the second round of the presidential election will soon be a legislative candidate. Marine Le Pen will campaign to keep the 11e constituency of Pas-de-Calais. The six outgoing National Rally (RN) deputies should also stand again.

While the far-right party held two meetings on Monday – an executive office (management) and a national office (extended management) – to prepare for the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, it convened its investiture committee on Tuesday to choose its candidates for the deputies.

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The RN should appoint, by the end of the week, as many candidates as constituencies, i.e. 577. No alliance with other parties is envisaged, except in the very specific cases of potential candidates from the camp of his rival Eric Zemmour, like the head of Generation Z, Stanislas Rigault.

“He should [Eric Zemmour] accepts that Marine Le Pen is the leader of the opposition”said Monday Jean-Philippe Tanguy, former deputy campaign director of Mr.me Le Pen to journalists gathered in front of the RN headquarters. It must be said that M.me Le Pen was still accusing the blow of her defeat, on the evening of April 24, when Mr. Zemmour called her to ” forget [leurs] quarrels and [à] join [leurs] forces »while roundly condemning it: “This is the eighth time that defeat has struck Le Pen’s name. » “A marriage proposal with finesse”quipped the acting president of the RN, Jordan Bardella.

The phrase. “There is no double membership, there never will be,” says Christian Jacob

Unanimity, minus two. Weakened by their bitter defeat in the presidential election, Les Républicains (LR) reaffirmed their ” independence “ against Emmanuel Macron, whom some elected officials might be tempted to join. “There is no dual membership, there never will be” et “we cannot be Republicans and the presidential majority”hammered Tuesday the president of the LR party, Christian Jacob, after a strategic council.

At this meeting, a motion was passed to affirm: “Our political family carries its own voice (…) [celle d’une] independent and popular right which must exist by itself. » “We refuse the logic of the single party at the disposal of the President of the Republic”adds this text adopted unanimously minus two abstentions, those of the president of the LR group in the Assembly, Damien Abad, and the mayor of La Garenne-Colombes (Hauts-de-Seine), Philippe Juvin.

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“I believe that the parties of government must work together”, said Mr. Juvin on his arrival at the headquarters of LR. For his part, Mr. Abad did not speak. But the boss of LR warned: “The commitment that will be signed by all our candidates is to sit in a group that is completely independent. »

The party, which totaled only 4.78% of the votes in the first round of the presidential election, reiterated its position “neither fungible in macronism nor in lepenism” adopted after the first round.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Legislative 2022: on the right, the deputies are doing everything to personalize the campaign

The archive. In 2017, Manuel Valls made an unexpected service offer to La République en Marche

Archive of the

On the evening of Sunday April 24, 2022, Manuel Valls was invited to the ” VIP lounge “ Champ-de-Mars in Paris to listen to and applaud Emmanuel Macron’s short victory speech. We just didn’t expect him in the front row. The former socialist prime minister has obviously elbowed his way to reach it and be alongside the prime minister, Jean Castex, the high commissioner for planning, François Bayrou, and the keeper of the seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti.

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Five years ago, in an article titled “Manuel Valls wants to invite himself to the table of La République en Marche [LRM] “, our journalist Bastien Bonnefous told the intention of the former tenant of Matignon to be a candidate for the “presidential majority” in Evry, at the legislative elections of June 11 and 18, 2017. “I’m not in ambush, I want Emmanuel Macron’s success”, he assured on RTL. If the former Prime Minister had already called for a vote for Emmanuel Macron before the first round of the presidential election, he then wanted «[s’]register in La République en Marche »the movement of the new President of the Republic.

“At this stage, Manuel Valls’ service offer is far from being welcomed with satisfaction by the team of the new Head of State”can we read in The world dated May 10, 2017. Reacting on Europe 1 a few minutes after this proposal, Benjamin Griveaux, then spokesperson for the Macronist movement, let it be known that the former Prime Minister did not “not invested by the national commission of investiture”. “If you do not apply, you cannot be invested by En Marche! He has twenty-four hours left, the procedure is the same for everyone.he adds, a bit condescending.

Finally candidate without label – without that of the PS, nor that of LRM -, Manuel Valls manages to be elected narrowly in the first constituency of Essonne… Before leaving the PS and integrating the presidential majority on June 27, 2017. “I can still serve my country, in some way, that’s the best thing about these exciting and difficult times”, assured the former socialist on the evening of Emmanuel Macron’s re-election. A new service offer, in short.

On the agenda for Wednesday April 27

House close. In the early morning, representatives of La France insoumise (LFI) and the Socialist Party (PS) met in Paris to discuss, behind closed doors, a possible coalition for the legislative elections.

New movement. Former socialist and sovereigntist minister Jean-Pierre Chevènement – ​​a supporter of Emmanuel Macron during the presidential campaign – and one of his old fellow travelers, Jean-Yves Autexier, are launching a new political movement, Republican Refoundation, at 10 a.m., in the 7e district of Paris.

Appointment. Our correspondents in Berlin and Brussels – journalists Thomas Wieder and Virginie Malingre – answer your questions from 3:15 p.m. on the French presidential campaign as seen from Germany and Belgium.

Announcement. The President of the Constitutional Council, Laurent Fabius, must announce the results of the presidential election, at the end of the collection and verification operations. In the event of irregularities – such as the use of a non-regulatory ballot box, the absence of voter signatures or verification of their identity, counting operations that do not comply with the law or even inconsistencies between the number of signatures and the number of ballots in the ballot box – the Constitutional Council can invalidate part of the results of a polling station, or even all of them. This happens with every election: in 2017, more than 21,000 votes were canceled, 8,250 in 2002, and even 48,250 in 1995. During the first round, the institution on rue de Montpensier invalidated 10,216 votes.

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